be described as a tour de force 被称为一个杰作
The Bloomberg building has been described as a tour de force /ˌtʊə də ˈfɔː s/ 彭博总部大楼被称为一个杰作。
be the largest stone project 比较大的石材建筑工程
It's believed to be the largest stone project in the City of London since St Paul's Cathedral.据称,它是圣保罗大教堂以来伦敦金融城内比较大的石材建筑工程。
a vast and sustainable office space 办公空间宽大,且秉持了可持续发展原则
It's a vast and sustainable office space unlike most will ever see.该楼办公空间宽大,且秉持了可持续发展原则,是大多数建筑无法企及的。
an innovation in architecture 建筑创新
Combining art and history in what the judges say is an innovation in architecture.评委们称它是结合了艺术与历史的建筑创新。
high-speed glass lifts 高速玻璃升降梯
bespoke sound-muffling magnetic floorboards 定制的消音磁性木地板
a sparkling ceiling 闪闪发光的天花板
comprise polished aluminium/ˌæləˈmɪniəm/
petals and lights 由锃亮的铝片和灯拼成
The interior boasts high-speed glass lifts, bespoke sound-muffling magnetic floorboards and a sparkling ceiling comprising more than two million polished aluminium petals and lights. 大楼内部拥有高速玻璃升降梯,定制的消音磁性木地板和闪闪发光的天花板,这里的天花板由两百多万瓣锃亮的铝片和灯拼成。