

作者: 2024-08-19 17:23 来源:重庆编辑

  1.Describe an unusual meal that you had

  You should say:

  When you had it

  Where you had it

  Whom you had it with

  And explain why it was unusual

  Aslsee it, the word "unusual"is a very subjective(主观的)termsince what is normal to one person is probably quite strange toanother. The question can be very challenging. As a food enthusiast(美食爱好者)and atraveler, I've tried various range of cuisinesworld-wide,andlregularly eat things that many people findunacceptable such as frogs, duck tongue, and chicken feet. Howeveras the world is becoming more and more globalized, with morepeople start their business all around the globe that led to myabnormal experience.

  Speaking of the unexpected meal that l had,l have to reminisceabout my high school time around six years ago. lt was a normal dayof the week;l was roaming the street alone near a university villagein Vancouver. Al of the suddenly a strong smell of the combinationof spices attracted me. There was a small Indian restaurant rightaround the corner, with few people in it, quiet and clean. As a l walkin it,the intense odor pervaded the air(弥漫在空气中)it was sounique and tempting that l couldn't help ordering their signaturedish, called "butter chicken". While waiting,l kept wondering howthey are gonna make it, and what are the ingredients. To my surprisethe cashier who was also the cook, scooped a big spoon of the redsauce from the bucket, ad poured it on the rice and then hand it tome. Then,lspent a short time examining the food, the rice wasextreme slender and dry which was completely different from theround and sticky rice l had. Following that, there were several chunksin the red gravy smelling complex and intense, which tickled my tastebuds(挑动味蕾)and made me mouth-watering. After one bite of it,limmersed myselfin(沉浸于) this delicacy. lt was creamy like buttermelting in my mouth, with the tenderness of the chicken, and the riceabsorbed the sauce, which was well-balanced and scrumptious(极美味的).

  In conclusion,i'm convinced that meal was unique owning to theparticular exotic(异域的)Indian spices which were used as tasteenhancers, while the restaurant caught me off guard. Since that, l'vebeen fascinated with Indian dishes, also, l'm more audacious(敢于险的)while facing new adventures.

  2.Describe something you would like to learn in the future

  You should say:

  What it isHow you would like to learn itWhere you would like to learn itWhy you would like to learn itAnd explain whether it's difficult to learn it

  When it comes to something l want to learn in the future,l wouldsay that must be learning how to fly a plane(开飞机).l started to havethis dream since l was a primary school student which was becauseI've always wanted to fly in the sky. Since l couldn't have a pair ofwings,lthought why not learning to fly an airplaneinstead.

  Therefore,l began to search for relevant information(相关信息about the field.l found that ifl wanted to be a female pilot(女性飞行员)there were some requirements l had to meet. Pilots need to haveeagle eyes(犀利的眼睛),strong bodies and be tall enough.On accountof that, l always paid attention to my eyesight and tried to go to bedearly at night.lt was all about developing a healthy body.Unfortunately, due to the heavy burden of secondary school(中学沉重的学习负担),l was nearsighted(近视的).Solhad to qive up my dream,orin other words(也就是说),put it on hold(把它搁置) for a while.

  Afterwards l found out that lactually had another opportunity tolearn how to fly planes.That is, ifl have enough money then l can goand learn it at any time.l know that there is a training base(训练基地)in Hawaii and basically all the pilots would be trained for about sixmonths. The whole process includes basic knowledge and practicaskills teaching. Even though it may potentially be so difficult that justa minority of trainees(一小部分学员) can pass the exam and finally getthe license.I'm aware that(我知道)lneed to pay at least threehundred thousand yuan in this but it still can be my chance to realizemy dream.ljust want to give it a go(试试).

  For the moment(目前),without a sufficient budget(充足的预算) tosupport my dream,l decided to work hard and save money for awhile.l believe one dayl can reach my goal and eventually, l candefinitely fly a plane in the sky.

  3.Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

  You should say:

  Where and when you saw itWhat the advertisement was forWhat you could seein the advertisementAnd explain why you did not like the advertisement

  Speaking of such an advertisement, the first one that comes tomy mind is the one that l can basically see every day in the elevator ofmy apartment building.

  You know,there is often a small screen in the elevators ofresidential buildings(住宅楼房) displaying all kinds of advertisementsand some of them can be quite annoying, just like the one l'm gonnatalk about.

  It's an advertisement of a mechanical chair which claims to(声称...be able to straighten people's back when sitting in it. There isn'tmuch to talk about when it comes to(当说到.) its content, because it'squite bland(乏味的).It's a short video of about twenty secondsbasically the whole thing is about repeating the Chinese slogan of"Straighten Your Back" while showcasing people of different agesusing this chair.l mean,to some extent(从某种程度上说),it is evensuccessful as a kind of promotion, since it is really brainwashing(洗脑的).lt repeats the slogan for almost ten times, which leaves deepimpression on anyone who sees it.

  Anyways,lreally don't like this advertisement. From myperspective, it is really disturbing because l have to bear with(忍受) itevery day whenever I'm taking the elevator. lt seems to be the onlyad that's on play. What's worse,l live on really high floor, whichmeans that l have to put up with the annoying sound for severaminutes! Just imagine staying inside this sealed space with the onlysound being the repetitive(重复的) slogan!lstill remember the othernight whenlwas suffering from insomnia, the slogan was stillechoing(声音在回荡))in my brain, which was totally awful.

  4.Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

  You should say:When you got itWhat you got it forHow often you use itAnd explain how you feel about it

  Well, l'd like to talk about an iWatch that l got a year ago as abirthday gift. To be honest,l was really excited to receive such acutting-edge 卫的 gadget,aslhad long admired itsmultifunctionality 多功能性, Particularly,l was drawn to its healthmonitoring 健康检测 features since l'm a gym lover.

  Besides, the iWatch has a sleek 流线型 design characterized bysmooth edges.More importantly, it could offer me a customizable 可定制的experience tailored to my preferences.

  However, after getting my hands on it for a while,l must confess承认 that l find it somewhat challenging to use. The abundance 丰富of features is overwhelming 令人烦恼, and at times,l struggle tonavigate through them efficiently. Additionally, the small screen sizemakes it difficult to interact 交互with certain applications, especiallywhen I'm on the go.

  Despite that,l still wear the iWatch almost every day, primarilyfor its fitness-tracking 健康追踪 capabilities. As time goes by,l'vegrown accustomed 习惯 to its interface 用户界面 and overcome thelearning curve 学习曲线.So, whetherl'm hitting the gym 去健身房运动or simply tracking my daily activity,the iWatch has become anintegral part of my routine.

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