air rifle 气步枪
Chinese shooter Yang Qian claimed the first gold medal at the Olympic games with a victory in women's 10m air rifle. 在女子十米气步枪比赛中,中国选手杨倩成为本届奥运会第1位拿jin牌的选手。
be in one's early 20s 二十岁出头
Yang Qian is in her early 20s. 杨倩20岁出头。
represent China at the Olympics 代表中国参加奥运会
It was the first time for her to represent China at the Olympics.这是她第1次代表中国参加奥运会。
be on a knife-edge 尚不明朗
The game is poised on a knife-edge. One mistake or one piece of good luck could decide it.比赛形势扑朔迷离。一个失误或是一点运气就有可能决定胜负。
lapse 失误
Actually, Yang had a lapse and only 9.8 points on the final effort. 事实上杨倩有失误,最后一轮只拿到9.8环。
low spirits 低落的情绪
Her mind was racing and his spirits were low.她思绪翻滚,情绪低落。
take the silver 拿到银牌
What surprised me was that a Russian markswoman took the silver because she had stumbled with 8.9 on her final effort to allow Yang to seal the victory,although the Russian woman had done a better job before. 让我惊讶的是俄罗斯射击选手最后拿到银牌。因为在最后一轮只打出了8.9环,让杨倩赢得了最后的胜利。尽管之前俄罗斯选手一直比杨倩打得更好。
whoop and clap 拍手喝彩
When the commentator said Yang had been the champion and had won the first Olympic gold medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games, I couldn't help whooping and clapping. 当评论员说杨倩赢得了比赛,并且拿到了这届东京奥运会首块jin牌时,我忍不住拍手喝彩。