雅思口语考试话题物品类话题P3-sample answer

作者: 2024-02-29 16:39 来源:重庆编辑


  Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about.

  1. Why do some children not like learning Science at school?

  There are several reasons why they do this(有以下几点原因):

  The first reason might be lack of interest(缺乏兴趣). Some children may simply not have a natural interest in science and may find the subject boring or unengaging(无趣的).

  Another reason I can think of(我能想到的另外一个原因) is that they have difficulty understanding concepts(理解概念): Science can be a complex subject with abstract concepts(抽象概念) that some children may struggle to understand, leading to frustration(沮丧)and disinterest(冷漠) . Take physics for an example, it’s almost impossible for some students to understand forces as it cannot be seen or touched.

  2. Is it important to study Science at school?

  Absolutely. Studying science at school is def it important to study Science at school? initely(确实) crucial:

  The main benefit is(更主要的好处) that it helps us understand the world: Science helps students understand the natural world and the principles(原理) that govern it, fostering a sense of curiosity(刺进好奇心) and wonder about the world around them.

  Another benefit is science education encourages critical thinking(批判性思维), problem-solving and analytical skills(分析问题和解决问题的技能), which are valuable for academic success(学术成功) and for navigating everyday life.

  Last but not least(更后), it can provide career opportunities(就业机会): Many careers in the modern world require a basic understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Studying science at school can open up(敞开) a wide range of career opportunities in fields such as medicine, engineering, environmental science, and technology.

  3. Should scientists explain the research process to the public?

  Almost certain(肯定的). Scientists should explain the research process to the public. And there are some reasons for that(有以下原因).

  The first one is transparency(透明度): By explaining the research process, scientists can demonstrate transparency(展示其透明度) and build trust(建立信任) with the public. This helps to dispel misconceptions(消除误解) and misinformation(误传) about scientific findings.

  Also, it prompts(促进 提升) engagement and interest: Sharing the research process can generate interest and engagement in scientific topics, potentially inspiring future scientists and fostering a greater appreciation(提升欣赏) for the value of scientific research.

  For example, scientists have revealed(揭示 披露) the picture of black hole, which generated millions of discussion in every social media we've ever heard of(在我们所听说过的所有社交平台). It has made a long-lasting impact(持久的影响) on people of all ages, especially among young students, who would later be willingly to join scientific research.

  Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone

  1. Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’ advice?

  In my opinion, listening to friends' advice can be quite important in certain situations. Friends often have a good understanding of our personalities and can provide valuable insights深刻的理解 and support. Their advice can offer different perspectives看法 and help us consider options that we might not have thought of on our own. However, it's crucial to remember that ultimately更终,我们要记得, we are responsible for our own decisions. We should carefully evaluate评估 the advice and make choices based on our own judgment判断. So, while it is beneficial有好处的 to listen to friends' advice, it's equally important to strike a balance权衡二者 and not rely solely完全的 on their opinions.

  2. How do people give young people and old people advice?

  I believe the way advice is given to young and old people can be possibly based on the individual's stage of life个人人生阶段 and the dynamics of the relationship关系好坏 between the advisor and the recipient接受者.

  When it comes to young people, advice is often given in a more direct and instructive教育性的 manner. Parents, teachers, and mentors may offer guidance and advice based on their experiences, and they may provide specific instructions指令 on how to handle certain situations.

  On the other hand, advice for older individuals个体 is often offered with more respect and consideration for their life experiences. Older people may receive advice in a more suggestive提示性的 and empathetic换位思考的 manner, acknowledging their wisdom and understanding. Friends, family members, and professionals may offer advice with a focus on empathy and understanding, recognizing the older person's autonomy自主 and life experience.

  3. Who are more willing to listen to advice? And who are less willing?

  I guess that individuals who are more open-minded and receptive易接受的 to new ideas are often more willing to listen to advice. People who are curious好奇的, adaptable适应力强的, and value personal growth认为个人诚征很有价值 tend to be more open to receiving advice from others. They recognize the potential benefits潜在益处 of learning from different perspectives看法 and are willing to consider alternative viewpoints不同的观点.

  On the other hand, individuals who are less willing to listen to advice may be those who are more setting in their ways固执己见 or have a strong sense of independence独立感. They may be less inclined to倾向于 seek guidance指导 from others and prefer to rely on their own judgment判断 and experiences. Additionally, people who are overly confident or have a fixed mindset固定想法 may also be less open to receiving advice.

  Ultimately更终, the willingness to listen to advice can vary greatly from person to person, and it often depends on individual characteristics, attitudes, and life experiences.

  Describe a photo that makes you feel happy

  1. Do you think people are taking too many photos these days?

  Well, I believe that with the advancements in technology, people are indeed taking an excessive(过度的,过多的) number of photos these days. The rise of smartphones and social media platforms has made it incredibly easy for individuals to capture every moment of their lives and share it with the world. While this has its merits in terms of preserving memories and staying connected with others, it can also lead to an overreliance(过度依赖) on documenting every single experience. This constant need to document everything can detract(转移,使分心) from the actual enjoyment of the moment itself. It's important for people to strike a balance(找到折中的办法,平衡) between capturing memories and living in the present. Moderation(适度,有节制) is key, and we should strive to(努力) be mindful of when and why we document our experiences.

  2. Do you think equipment is important for photography?

  Yes, equipment is undeniably important for photography. A good camera, lenses(镜头), and other gear can significantly enhance the quality of a photograph, allowing photographers to capture stunning images with clarity and precision. High-quality equipment also provides versatility(多功能性;用途广泛) and the ability to capture a wide range of subjects and scenes. However, it's crucial to note that while equipment can greatly aid(帮助) in the photographic process, it is not the sole determinant(0的决定性因素) of a great photograph. The skill, creativity, and vision of the photographer are equally—if not more—crucial in producing compelling(引人入胜的;扣人心弦的) and impactful images. Ultimately, while equipment can elevate the technical aspects of photography, it is the photographer's artistic eye and proficiency(精通,水平) that truly make a photograph stand out.

  3. Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?

  Some people enjoy posting their photos on social media for various reasons. It can be a way for them to share their experiences and memories with friends and family, showcase(展示) their photography skills, express themselves creatively, or seek validation(肯定,认可) and affirmation from others. Additionally, individuals may use social media as a means of self-expression, connecting with like-minded (志趣相投的) individuals, or building an online persona(表面形象). Overall, sharing photos on social media allows people to communicate visually, build connections, and create a digital representation of their lives.

  Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work

  1. What rules should children follow at home in your country?

  Well, I think there are a lot of rules for Chinese kids to follow at home. And one of those I can think of right now would be respecting the elders(尊敬老人). For example, when having meals with elderly you shall not eat until they do so. On top of that(除此之外), another important rule would be staying honest(保持诚实), which means that kids cannot tell lies under any circumstances(在任何情况下).

  2. On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?

  Sometimes children can get away with(侥幸逃脱) breaking rules if they show a positive and honest attitude to apologize afterwards(之后) for their behavior. Apart from that(除此之外), if the kids are not aware of(意识到) such rules that exist and they break them unintentionally(无意识地), parents or guardians(监护者) should forgive them as well.

  3. What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?

  People may break rules for loads of(大量,许多) reasons. First of all, people’s own desire towards money or fame can drive them to(驱使。。做) make unreasonable decisions(不合理的决定) in order to be successful, which can usually result in(导致) rule breaking like workplace policies and sometimes even the law. Besides that(除此之外), people may also break rules due to the lack of awareness of(缺乏。。的意识) the very existence of certain rules, which actually happens a lot.

  Describe a drawing/painting that you like

  1. What are the differences between painting and drawing?

  Well, there are numerous(许多的)differences between painting and drawing, the main one is the usage(用法)of the tools, the other ones are the techniques of expression(表现手法)and the values.

  First of all, they use a variety of tools. Painting usually uses oil paints, canvas(油画布), palettes(调色板)and brushes; while drawing uses pencils, pens and papers, with less variety and simple tools;

  In addition, their techniques of expression are diverse. Drawings are dominated by(由……占主导地位)black and white gray tones for a succinct(简明的)effect, but oil paintings are rich in color and present a brighter and stronger image

  What’s more, the values are different. Paintings are usually more valuable and easier to collect and preserve;however, drawings are often less valuable and easily damaged.

  2. Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

  I guess these people preserve a painting for a long time for several reasons.

  First of all, a painting can hold sentimental value(情感价值). It might remind them of some important experiences, making it emotionally valuable. For instance, some people may keep their first painting because every time they see it, they can recall their feelings and thoughts when they painted these works, and even gain some inspiration(灵感). This emotional connection makes this painting irreplaceable(不可替代的) to them.

  Moreover, paintings can be considered as investments. Certain artworks have the potential to appreciate in value over time, some people choose to keep these potential investments in hopes that they will bring them significant returns in the future. For example, Van Gogh's works have soared in value(价值飙升) over the past few decades and have now become one of the world's most expensive paintings.

  3. Should children learn to draw and paint? Why?

  Definitely, I believe drawing and painting are essential for a child's holistic development(全面发展)since these activities can help them develop various skills and abilities.

  To be more specific, it might enhance their creativity and imagination. For example, when children engage in painting, their brain constantly thinks about how to combine colors, shapes, and lines to create unique works of art, which would make their minds more active.

  Plus, it improves their fine motor skills(精细动作技能)and hand-eye coordination(手眼协调) as they learn to use brushes, pencils and other tools. For instance, some children who just started to learn painting may find it difficult to draw straight lines or circles. However, through constant practice and guidance, they gradually learn how to control their hand movements, making the lines smoother and more accurate(准确的).

  Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful

  1. What do you think of online advertising?

  Well, as an audience, I have mixed ideas(持多样观点) about online ads. A variety of ways are used by advertisers to take advantage of(充分利用) the internet whereas most of the publicity are just annoying.

  For instance, the pre-rolls or post-rolls(视频前置或后置广告) in videos, pop-up ads(弹窗广告) on websites and forced watching ones in the online games without an optional choice. Watching these is totally a waste of time and bad content may bring about spiritual pollution(精神污染).

  On the other hand, online advertising did have better spreading efficiency(传播效果) or target their ads(定位广告对象), some of them bring much more fun additionally. Like public service ads(公益广告) can be known by the young easily. Watching the ones with interesting and creativity story lines(故事线) can even be a kind of entertainment.

  2. Why do buying new things make people happy?

  There are several reasons comes to my mind.

  First of all is that buying new things just can simply satisfy ones desires and requirements(满足欲望与需求). Especially after they watching the related ads and having a clear imagination in their mind of holding the items in hands. This kind of expectation would also bring about(带来) excitement(兴奋感) and happiness.

  Besides, the fact that they have the ability of buying new things might make them feel they are in control(掌控局面,情绪稳定) of their life. It’s a positive signal to them and of their life management, indicates(暗示) that they have the sort of freedom of organizing personal property(个人财产).

  -In addition, new things always bring with new experiences and the sense of novelty(新鲜感). To try things new is also the way to say goodbye to the old selves(旧我) and welcome new starts. I believe no one can refuse it.

  3. Do people watch useless advertising in this day and age?

  Of course, no doubt(毫无疑问是) that people watching too many ads every day and the majority(大多数) are useless to them.

  Basically about things they don't need or they already have, like daily necessities. Frequently, they might be forced to watch ads which are disguised as(被伪装成) vlogs while scrolling short videos. In some situations, people even watch ads without awareness(无意识), like the ones played in elevator or on public transportation, some of them can bring spiritual pollution and are strongly brainwashing(洗脑的), only leave rubbish impressions in their subconsciousness(潜意识).

  It seems that people nowadays are getting used to(习惯) the pervasive(无处不在的) ads of low quality. So that ads are losing trust(失去信任) of them recently. They are more likely to believe recommendations of the surrounding or by the normal people online. However, it turns out that the recommendation is already became a new kind of publicity(广告) and we would never get rid of commercial ads in our lives.

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