Hello,Rob.I like your new hoody.你好,罗伯。我喜欢你的新连帽衫。
a sweatshirt运动衫
with a hood有帽子
Oh, right! Thanks a lot.A hoody is a sweatshirt with a hood, by the way.
be too old for hoodies年纪太大不适合穿连帽衫
You don't think I'm too old for hoodies,do you?你不会觉得我年纪太大不适合穿连帽衫了吧?
how young you feel inside你的心态年轻
Never. No,no.You too old?Never Rob! It's all about how young you feel inside,isn't it?不,不,不会。你太老?我绝不会这样想,罗伯!重要的是你的心态年轻,不是吗?
don't feel a day over sixteen觉得自己一直停留在16岁
Is that right? Well, I don't feel a day over sixteen,Neil.是这样吗?好吧,我觉得自己一直停留在16岁,尼尔。
a well-behaved student守规矩的好学生
Now Rob, were you a well-behaved student?罗伯,你以前是守规矩的好学生吗?
be badly behaved不守规矩
Well,I wasn't badly behaved. 我从来没有不守规矩过。
a horrible school uniform校服很难看
get detention 被留校
for having my shirt hanging out因为不穿校服在校园里闲逛
But we had a horrible school uniform and sometimes I got detention just for having my shirt hanging out.但是我们的校服很难看,有时我会因为不穿校服在校园里闲逛而被留校。
be pretty harsh挺严格的
Well, that's pretty harsh!还挺严格的!
a punishment for doing something wrong做错事的一种惩罚手段
Yes it was a punishment for doing something wrong.是的,这是做错事的一种惩罚手段。
typical teenage behaviour典型的青少年行为
anxiety 烦躁
mood swings情绪波动
risk taking爱冒险
is caused by changing hormones是其体内荷尔蒙的变化造成的
Now some people think that typical teenage behaviour such as embarrassment, anxiety, mood swings and risk taking is caused by changing hormones.现在有人认为,一些典型的青少年行为,比如尴尬、烦躁、情绪波动、爱冒险是其体内荷尔蒙的变化造成的。
a moody teenager情绪化的少年
Yes.I bet you were a moody teenager Neil!是的。我打赌你曾经是个情绪化的少年,尼尔!
reach adolescence进入青春期
start changing into an adult开始变为成年人
Now,apparentlyit's not only our hormones that change when we reach adolescence-that's the age when we start changing into an adult.显然,我们进入青春期后不仅是体内的荷尔蒙发生改变,我们开始变为成年人了。
is probably caused by changes in the brain其大脑发生改变而造成的
That's right.According to scientific research, some teenage behaviour is probably caused by changes in the brain.对。科学研究显示,青少年的一些行为可能是其大脑发生改变而造成的。
take risks 冒险
So what risks do teenagers typically take?青少年经常会冒什么险呢?
taking drugs吸毒
driving too fast超速驾驶
Well.The things most parents worry about such as drinking, smoking, possibly taking drugs, and driving too fast.一些父母经常担心的事,如喝酒、抽烟、还有可能吸毒、超速驾驶。
rewards risk-taking behaviour鼓励冒险行为
inhibits risk-taking behaviour抑制冒险行为
And the reason that they take these risks might be because the area of the brain that rewards risk-taking behaviour develops more quickly than the area of the brain that inhibits risk-taking behaviour他们冒险的原因也许是因为大脑中鼓励冒险行为的系统发育得比抑制冒险行为的系统快。
get a kick out of sth.有快感
be rewarded for sth. 有收获感
Teenagers get a kick out of and are rewarded for taking risks by one part of the brain-the limbic system-while the other part-the pre-frontal cortex-does little to slow things down.青少年的大脑边缘系统会使其在冒险后有一种收获感,而他们大脑的另一部分,前额皮质会削弱这种感受,但是后者效果较小。
give teenagers a hard time为难青少年
Well, that sounds more fun than being an adult.But actually we often give teenagers a hard time. 这听起来比成年人有趣多了。但是我们经常为难青少年。
the butt of many jokes成为笑柄
Something that I've noticed since working with teenagers is that they are the butt of many jokes.他们被各种恶搞。
be demonized/ˈdiːmənaɪzd/ 被妖魔化
be parodied被滑稽地模仿
And they're parodied left, right and centre. They're demonized in newspapers.从我开始研究青少年之后,我发现他们总是人们嘲笑的对象。被一些报纸杂志妖魔化。
be very brainy很有头脑的
Now of course some teenagers are very brainy.I know young people who are brilliant at maths,art and science当然一些青少年是很有头脑的。我知道一些年轻人很擅长数学、艺术和科学。
demonize a person or a group将一个人或一个组织妖魔化
And to demonize a person or a group means to talk about them as if they were evil on threatening.Poor teenagers, Rob!将一个人或一个组织妖魔化是指将其描述为邪恶的或者对人们构成威胁的存在。罗伯,青少年真可怜!