
重庆编辑 2023-04-28 14:46



  1. development n. 发展

  例句:Some of the potential benefits relate directly to the healthy development of the brain and nervous system.


  2. nerve n. 情绪; 神经

  例句:Other studies have shown that greater stimulation not only affects the size of the brain but also increase the number of connections between the nerve cells.


  3. stimulate v. 促进; 激发

  例句:Play also stimulates the development of the muscle tissues themselves and may provide the opportunities to practice those movements needed for survival.

  关联词:stimuli, stimulation

  4. behavior n. 行为

  例句:Thus, whether play occurs or not depends on the intention of the animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.


  5. experiment n. 实验

  例句:At the end of the experiments, the results showed that the actual weight of the brains of the impoverished rats was less than that of those raised in the enriched environment (though they were fed the same diets).


  6. aggression n. 攻击性

  例句:There is a danger, of course, that play may be misinterpreted or not recognized as play by others, potentially leading to aggression.


  7. function n. 功能

  例句:Determining the functions of play is difficult because the functions may be long-term, with beneficial effects not showing up until the animal's adulthood.


  8. experience n. 经历, 经验

  例句:Most of these things are learned in the long developmental periods that primates have, during which they engage in countless play experiences with their peers.


  9. activity n. 活动

  例句: Another potential cost of this activity is greater exposure to predators since play is attention-getting behavior.


  10. environment n.环境

  例句:Play allows a young animal to explore its environment and practice skill in comparative safety since the surrounding adults generally do not expect the young to deal with threats or predators.


  教育心理类文章结构分析 Mind map

  TPO 30-2 Role of Play in Development

  The introduction of "play": defnition, reasons, and functions.

  The costs of "play": the loss of energy and the greater exposure to predators .

  The frst benefit of "play": it stimulates healthy development of the brain and nervous system.

  The second beneft of "play" it allows the development of the muscle tissues and provides with the opportunities to practice those movements neded for suvival.

  The third benefit of "olay". it allows to explore erwironment and to practice skill.


  Paragraph 1:Play is easier to define with examples than with concepts. In any case, in animals it consists of leaping, running, climbing, throwing, wrestling, and other movements, either along, with objects, or with other animals. Depending on the species, play may be primarily for social interaction, exercise, or exploration. One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that it involves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance--dominance, predation, competition, and real fighting. Thus, whether play occurs or not depends on the intention of the animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.


  According to paragraph 1, why is play difficult to define?

  A. Play must be defined with concepts, not examples.

  B. Play behavior often looks like nonplay behavior

  C. Play often occurs in the presence of animals that are not playing

  D. Play occurs independently of an animal’s intentions

  正确答案:B 原文:One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that it involves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance--dominance, predation, competition, and real fighting.



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