重庆编辑 2021-06-15 14:04
form the basis of sth.=provide the ideas or actions from which sth can develop为某事物打下基础
Traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson.传统的教学方式构成授课的基础。
use lateral thinking=use a creative approach(途径)to solving problems 鼓励发散型思维
Using lateral thinking: the students can solve problems in an
unconventional manner(不走寻常路的方式)now.通过利用发散式思维,学生们可以用不走寻常路的方式来解决问题。
rely on linear thinking=depend on habits of thought in which one idea follows directly from another one依赖于直线型的思维;受到思维的局限
The students should not rely on linear thinking habits. Instead, they
should think more innovatively.学生们不应受到线性思维惯性的束博,而相反地,他们应该更多地去创造性思考。
break the mould=change a situation by doing sth. unprecedented打破常规
He made an attempt to break the mould of British politics.他对打破英国政坛一成不变的局面做出了一次尝试。
rote memorisation=a learning technique that focuses on learning by repetition 重复记忆,机械记忆
Rote memorisation is not entirely useless. I can help children to leam
the basics such as the multiplication tables.死记硬背并非是一无是处的。它可以帮助孩子牢记住像乘法表这样的基础知识。
learn sth. by heart= learn sth. so that you can remember it perfectly熟记某种知识
The view of repetitively boring lessons and learning the facts by heart may be unfair and unjustified.认为这些学校中的教学重复枯燥而且死记硬背的看法也许是不公正的。
cannot be guaranteed success (某事物)未必一定会成功或者有效
So far no teaching methods can he guaranteed success.目前为止没有任何一种教学方法能包治百病。