
重庆编辑 2023-12-27 15:23



  Part 1雅思小作文题干(来源于考生回忆,可能会与实际真题有差别)。


  1. 本月小作文题型较为常规:动态图和静态图均有涉及,其图形类型为柱状图、表格、柱状+折线混合图。未出现流程图及地图题这一类非数据题型。

  2. 考生在复习时应注意动态图和静态图在描述重点上的区别。动态图描述重点在趋势的变化、起点终点、顶点底点和交叉点上,同时也应进行适当的比较。对于静态图,其描述重点则主要在数值关系的比较上,如大小比较、倍数比较、相似或不同等。

  3. 此外,考生还应熟悉混合图形的处理。若两图间无明显联系,分别描述即可。若存在十分明显的联系,则应在主体段或总结段中指出。

  Part 2大作文题干 (来源于考生回忆,可能会与实际真题有差别)。


  More and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?


  Directors and managers of organisations are often older people. Some people say that it is better for younger people to be leaders. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Some people think that the best way to become successful in life is to get the university education, whereas others say this is no longer true nowadays it is no longer true. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  1. 从题型分布来看,本月大作文题目仍以观点类题型为主,其细分题型为常见的优缺点类、同意与否类及双边讨论类,均为复习的重点题型。

  2. 从话题上来看,本月出现的话题均为大作文中的常考话题,分别为教育和环境,这几类话题是考生应重点复习的内容。但12月16日的题目话题相对抽象,考生可尝试练习该题提纲并搜集相关观点。

  3. 对于本月大作文题目,考生应尤其注重在全文中观点的明确表达。在同意与否类中,应在首段即亮明个人观点;而对于优缺点和双边讨论的题型,可以不在首段提出观点,在尾段再提出个人的倾向。


  题目:More and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?

  Writing plan

  Sample Essay


  The surge in private car ownership, while offering convenience and autonomy to individuals, poses substantial drawbacks to the environment. While some argue that personal vehicles contribute positively by optimizing energy use and alleviating strain on public transport, the adverse environmental implications significantly outweigh these advantages.

  Body Paragraph 1:

  On the positive side, the contemporary shift toward electric vehicles reflects an effort to conserve energy resources. These vehicles exemplify an efficient mode of transportation, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and curbing emissions. Moreover, the individual use of cars helps ease congestion during peak hours, thereby diminishing air pollution resulting from the heavy reliance on public transport.

  Body Paragraph 2:

  However, the swift increase in private car numbers exacerbates environmental problems. The growing quantity of vehicles leads to a rise in emissions, primarily contributing to the worsening of the greenhouse effect. This further deteriorates urban air quality, precipitating pervasive air pollution detrimental to human health. Additionally, the increase in cars results in a surge of noise pollution due to continuous honking and traffic noise, disrupting the peacefulness of urban areas. Furthermore, the rising demand for vehicles intensifies resource consumption, leading to higher carbon emissions and environmental degradation during the extraction and processing of materials such as petroleum, steel, and plastic.


  In conclusion, while private car ownership offers convenience, the burgeoning numbers exact a significant toll on the environment. The detrimental impacts on air quality, noise pollution, and heightened resource consumption far outweigh the benefits, underscoring the urgent need for sustainable alternatives to mitigate environmental degradation.


  1. TR:总体来看,该文章充分回应了题目要求。作者在首段和尾段均表明了弊大于利的个人观点,主体段对利弊进行了深入讨论,并以先利后弊的方式来突出弊端更多,以保持全文观点的一致性。

  2. CC:在内容安排上,文章采取四段式结构,安排了2个主体段分别讨论利弊,并结尾段进行总结,逻辑清晰并易于理解。在行文衔接上,作者熟练运用各种衔接手段如:on the positive side, however, moreover, furthermore, this further, in conclusion 等。

  3. LR:作者展示了足够的话题相关词汇,并能准确恰当的使用它们,其中也包含了较多less common vocabulary,如exacerbate/pervasive/degradation/disrupt/burgeoning等。

  4. GRA:全文基本没有明显语法错误,且作者能够娴熟准确的运用不同句式结构,如These vehicles exemplify an efficient mode of transportation, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and curbing emissions.(分词从句)Additionally, the increase in cars results in a surge of noise pollution due to continuous honking and traffic noise, disrupting the peacefulness of urban areas.(due to+名词短语+分词短语)。


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