1 先上升后下降并回到起点数值
Local fixed line calls were the highest throughout the period, rising from 72 billion minutes in 1995 to just under 90 billion in 1998. After peaking at 90 billion the following year, these calls had fallen back to the 1995 figure by 2002. 本地固定线路呼叫是在这个时期数值的。从1995年的72亿分钟到1998年的略低于90亿分钟。在1999年到达值90亿分钟。然后在2002年回落到1995年的数值。
2 先平稳增长后涨幅趋于缓和
National and international fixed line calls grew steadily from 38 billion to 61 billion at the end of the period in question, though the growth slowed over the last two years. 国际和国内固定电话呼叫从38亿稳步增长到了最后一年的61亿,尽管涨幅在最后两年趋缓。
3 先缓慢增长后猛增
There was a dramatic increase in mobile calls from 2 billion to 46 billion minutes. This rise was particularly noticeable between 1999 and 2002,during which time the use of mobilephones tripled. 移动电话的拨打数量有迅猛增长,从20亿到46亿分钟,这种增长在1999年到2002年期间尤为明显。这期间,手机拨打使用时间翻了三倍。
4 猛降
However, during this 25-year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively. 但是在这25年期间,牛肉和羊肉的消费分别迅猛下降到100和55克。
5 先上升后下降
Expenditure on resources such as books had increased to 20%by 1991 before decreasing to only 9% by the end of the period. 在书等资源上的花费先上升到了1991年的20%,然后下降到了最后一年的9%
6 先下降再上升
In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend. This cost decreased to only 5%of total expenditure in 1991 but rose dramatically in 2001 when it represented 23%of the school budget. 相反的,家具和设备的花费呈一个相反趋势。这个花费先是在1991年下降到了5%,然后上升到了2001年的23%。
7 急剧上升
The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week. 另一方面,鸡肉的消费是呈现上升趋势的,分别在1980年和1989年反超了羊肉和牛肉的消费。到2004年的时候,已经急剧上升到了每人每周差不多250克。
8 反超
The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week. 另一方面,鸡肉的消费是呈现上升趋势的,分别在1980年和1989年反超了羊肉和牛肉的消费。到2004年的时候,已经急剧上升到了每人每周差不多250克。
9 上升
Similarly, the cost of insurance saw a rising trend, growing from
only 2%to 8%by2001. 相似的,保险的花费也是呈上升趋势的,从2%上升到了2001年的8%。(这里本来有三个时间,但是把中间的数值省略了)
1 下降幅度小得多
The consumption offish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams, soalthough it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were themost stable.鱼肉的消费也下降了,但是下降幅度小得多,最后降到了略低于50克的数值。
2 呈现相反趋势
The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week. 另一方面,鸡肉的消费是呈现上升趋势的,分别在1980年和1989年反超了羊肉和牛肉的消费。到2004年的时候,已经急剧上升到了每人每周差不多250克。
In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend. This cost decreased to only 5%of total expenditure in 1991 but rose dramatically in 2001 when it represented 23%of the school budget. 相反的,家具和设备的花费呈一个相反趋势。这个花费先是在1991年下降到了5%,然后上升到了2001年的23%。
3 相似
Similarly, the cost of insurance saw a rising trend, growing from
only 2%to 8%by2001. 相似的,保险的花费也是呈上升趋势的,从2%上升到了2001年的8%。
1 每个描述对象在起点的情况
In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about
225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities(around 150 grams),while much less fish was consumed(just over 50 grams). 在1979年,牛肉是当时的食物,每个人每周差不多消费了225克。羊肉和鸡肉消费数量是差不多的,都在150左右,但是鱼肉的消费就小得多,只有50克多一点。
1 开头段
The graph shows energy consumption in the US from 1980 to 2012,and projected consumption to 2030. 图表显示了美国在1980年到2012年能源消耗的情况,以及预测了到2030年会消耗多少。
main feature 的描述
1 值是谁,不同描述对象的差距在缩小
To sum up, although local fixed line calls were still the most popular in 2002,the gap between the three categories had narrowed considerably over the second half of the period in question.总的来说,尽管本地固定线路呼叫在2002年依然是的,但是这三种类别的拨打方式差距在后半段时期在缩小。
2 有升有降
Overall, the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased
dramatically while the popularity of these other foods decreased over the period.总的来说,图表展示了鸡肉是如何迅猛上升,其他食物是怎么下降的。
3 值是谁,有升有降
Overall, teachers'salaries constituted the largest cost to the school, and while spending increased dramatically for equipment and insurance, there were corresponding drops in expenditure on things such as books and on other workers' salaries. 总的来说。教师的工资占据了学校花费的值,尽管设备和保险的花费是大幅上升的,但是也有相应下降的花费,比如书和其他工作人员的工资。