
重庆编辑 2020-03-17 20:53


司马迁自小便受经典文化重陶,明白舍生取义的道理。他情愿一死了之, 保住自己作为一代名士的人格和尊严。可是, 父亲的遗愿还没有完成啊! 自已如果就这样离开人世,该如何面对自己的父亲和挚爱的史学啊!

司马迁做了一个极为艰难的决定,他选择用宫刑替代原有的刑罚。司马迁知道一旦如此,他将面对怎样的奇耻大辱: 他不是男人,也不是女人,不仅会受到亲人朋友的嫌弃,也会被士大夫不耻,更会为天下人嘲笑啊! 可是司马迁告诉自己:“这些我都能忍,关键是活下去,完成父亲的志向,完成作为太史令的职责!” 尽管自己的同僚和朋友都极为反对,认为这实在有辱他的人格,并且会给他的生活带来巨大的影响,司马迁还是坦然选择了宫刑。


  Nurtured by classical Chinese values from childhood, Sima Qian knew perfectly well when to choose the moral high ground over his own life, and would rather die to preserve intact his fame and honor. But what about his father's dying wish? If he abandoned his father's legacy, how could he face him in the next world, having failed to finish his great historical work?

  Sima Qian made a hard decision, submitting to the sentence of castration. This barbaric punishment was designed to deprive a man of his manhood, reducing him to a creature neither man nor woman -- an extreme humiliation that stripped him of friends and family, left him mocked by nobility and turned him into a freak in the eyes of the world. But Sima Qian told himself: 'It is not a big tragedy. I have to live to finish my father's lifelong task, and fulfill my duty as taishiling!" In spite of fierce opposition from his colleagues and friends, who listed the negative influence of this punishment on his dignity and daily life, he went ahead and accepted it.





第二届“用英语讲中国故事”总决赛,锁定今晚 CETV-1 用英语讲中国故事——秋辞 用英语讲中国故事——桃花源记 用英语讲中国故事——红军“赠参救母”的故事 用英语讲中国故事——抗日英雄杨靖宇 今天端午节,让我们用英语来讲一讲端午的那些事儿~