重庆编辑 2020-03-17 20:56
在她早期的作品中,可以看见一个少女的内心,可爱又充满灵气。18 岁那年,她和21岁的太学生赵明诚结婚,门当户对,情投意合。二人都很喜欢读书,婚后的生活很和谐。那时,赵明诚还在太学读书,每到初一和十五,就先拿几件衣物去当铺当掉,换到少许钱财,便马不停蹄地赶往大相国寺的市场,买回来一些碑文和水果。回到家后,他和妻子边吃边阅读,互相讨论,有分歧处甚至还面红耳赤地“争论”起来。两个人节衣缩食,立下收尽天下古文奇字的宏愿,废寝忘食地抄写从各地发掘出来的古文经传和竹简文字。
Love Conceived in Arts
Li Qingzhao(李清照),a famous woman poet of Song ci(a literary genre prevalent in the Song Dynasty (960- 1279), was born into a scholarly and literary family. Her father Li Gefei was a student of the literary giant Su Shi, and had held the post of yuanwailang (an assistant department director) in the Ministry of Rites. Her mother, quite a literary figure herself, was the granddaughter of a zhuangyuan (the highest degree of the imperial examination system). As a child prodigy, Li Qingzhao's early work To the Tune of Like a Dream was highly esteemed by many renowned writers. Her works, elegant in her early days' but steeped in pathos later, marked her unique poition in Song ci.
Her early works depicted the adorable sweetness and incredible intelligence of a young girl. At the age of 18, she married Zhao Mingcheng, a 21-year-old student at the Imperial College, and it was a perfect match both in family background and their fondness for learning. The newlyweds led a happy life. Zhao Mingcheng, at that time still a student, would pawn some clothes on every 1st and 15th of the lunar month, and then hurry to the market by the Grand Xiangguo Temple to purchase works of tablet inscriptions, along with some fruit. Back home, together with Li Qingzhao, he used to read and discuss them while eating fruit, sometimes even arguing with each other over their different understanding of the works. The couple was set on saving all the money they could to collect as many ancient literary and excellent calligraphic works as possible, sparing no effort in transcribing age-old classics, inscriptions and bamboo slip writings.