
重庆编辑 2023-11-09 16:39




Listen to a tour guide talking to a group of visitors.


Welcome to the historic city of York. As you can see on the map, the city is divided into two parts by the River Ouse. On the east side of the river is the old city, which is the main tourist area. Here you can find the famous York Minster, the largest Gothic cathedral in Northern Europe. It's a great place to explore and take photos.

On the west side of the river is the modern city, which is home to many shops, restaurants, and other attractions. There's also a large park here, which is a great place to relax and enjoy the views.

So, that's a brief overview of the city. Now, let's get started on our tour.


Questions 15-20

Label the map below.

15 Scarecrow

16 Maze

17 Cafe

18 Black Barn

19 Covered picnic area

20 Fiddy House

首先观察地图上并没有出现东南西北的方向标,所以这个题目的方向指示用到的是左右,需要先在地图上标示“left,right”,减少反应时间,以及犹豫反应造成的失误。另外地图下方“X”标识处写有“You are here”属于有起始点类型的地图题,所以每一个题目地点都会从这里开始描述,需要注意之后的行动路径,紧跟音频节奏准确定位,从而获取正确答案。


15. The scarecrow you can see in the car park in the corner, beside the main path.定位词scarecrow出现之后,紧接其后就是在car park角落,找到F,main path旁边,再次确认答案F。

16. If you look ahead of you, you’ll see a maze. It’s opposite the New Barn, beside the side path that branches off to the right just over there. 定位词maze出现之后,其后就是 New Barn对面,直接找到G。

17. If you want to go to the cafe, go towards the bridge and turn right just before it. Walk along the side path and the cafe’s on the first bend you come to. 定位词出现后是一个路径描述,所以务必紧跟节奏。朝着bridge走,在到达前右拐,沿着side path走,在第一个拐角处,确认D。这道题需要注意 toward/to/to the direction of 都是朝着什么方向走的意思,并不是到达后面的目的地,以及后面拐弯是在这个地点之前还是之后。

18. If you take the side path to the right, here, just by the New Barn, you’ll come to the Black Barn just where the path first bends. 这道题目的难点是定位词在后面才出现,但因为雅思听力的顺序原则,所以上一道题目结束后,开始了下一段路径的描述,大多数情况下都是下一道题目。 从side path右拐,black barn就在这道路第一个拐角处,确认H。

19. Or if you’d prefer a covered picnic area, there’s one near the farmyard; just after you cross the bridge, there’s a covered picnic spot on the right. 定位点后出现一个笼统描述,farmyard附近,然后详细说明,穿过bridge后,covered picnic就在右边,确认C。

20. Fiddy House itself. From here you can cross the bridge then walk along the footpath through the field to the left of the farmyard. That goes to the house. 依然是穿过bridge,之后沿着footpath穿过field的左边,确认A。









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