
重庆编辑 2020-10-05 16:30



It is said that for some developed countries, tourism may cause some disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this? Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations or reading.

Model Answer

Tourism is a source of income for countries around the world. However, some people claim that tourism causes disadvantages such as overpopulation. 【前两句话简短的陈述Background】I strongly disagree with the mentioned claim and believe that tourism brings nothing but benefits to a country. 【之后立即表明自己的观点是strongly disagree】This is because tourism is a major source of income for governments and is also an opportunity to advertise the country’s pride such as animals or culture. 【接下来立即说明Disagree的具体原因,引出下文】

Tourism generally refers to the industry where people across the world visit one country for a holiday. When tourists visit a country, they will tend to purchase local products and visit hotspots that will require spending. This will not only provide jobs for the locals but also allow the government to earn more income, leading to an increase in the country’s economy.【第二段陈述个理由,即旅游可以带来经济效益,其中跟旅游及经济相关的关键词都反复出现了多次。】


Furthermore, tourism also allows visitors to experience a country’s culture and food. If a tourist enjoyed his experience in a country, he may share his experiences with friends or colleagues and that may eventuallylead to more visits from tourists. These visits will not only help the country’s economy, but will also allow the country to be more known amongst the other countries in the world. 【第三段进一步阐述第二个理由,即旅游可以传播文化和美食。段落开始即用Furthermore衔接上文,并且段落中也多次出现旅行相关的关键词汇,保证切题。】

Although there is the possibility of tourism bringing some disadvantages such as overpopulation in a country, I believe that the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, countries should definitely put in effort to promote tourism. 【最后一段Conclusion,经过paraphrase之后重述自己的观点,并进一步提出简单的一句further advice “国家应该进一步推广旅游业”。】











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