重庆编辑 2020-06-30 11:21
• 从7月9日起恢复雅思上海机考中心、广州机考中心和重庆机考中心的各类计算机化雅思考试(共3个机考考点、4个机考考场)
• 从7月11日起陆续恢复以下12个考点的各类雅思纸笔考试:
上述雅思纸笔考试考点恢复考试日期之前的考试仍将取消, 考试费将全额退还至考生个人报名账户。其它雅思考点仍不具备组考条件,继续取消其7月份的雅思纸笔考试,考试费将全额退还至考生个人报名账户。
Based on the domestic COVID-19 containment provision and local IELTS test centres situation, decisions have been made in consultation with the British Council to:
• Resume Computer-delivered IELTS tests from 9th July in CD IELTS test centres in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing (3 CD IELTS centres with 4 venues in total)
• Resume paper-based IELTS tests from 11th July gradually in following 12 paper-based IELTS test centres:
IELTS tests before the resumption date in the above-listed paper-based test centres will be cancelled and full test fees will be returned to test takers’ personal registration account. The remaining test centres are still unable to run IELTS and it has therefore been decided to CANCEL all July IELTS tests in those test centres and return full test fees to the personal registration accounts of those affected test takers.
Depending on the readiness of test centres, we will adjust IELTS test arrangement accordingly and provide additional test dates to test takers. IELTS will resume in the remaining test centres in a phased approach. Please follow the updates of announcements on the registration website.