
重庆编辑 2020-10-05 15:32



1. (用于否定某个东西)It is no use doing≈It is a waste time doing≈There is no need to do

2. Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution(认识到问题是找到解决办法的步)

3. In country after country, talk of non-smoker’s right is in the air.(悬而未决)

4. If……,you maybe in a deformed way.(如果……你就惨了)

5. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that……

6. ……is for the good of society as a whole.(……是为了整个社会的利益)

7. Stand by in case of emergency.做好准备以应对紧急情况。

8. Meanwhile,similar disorder prevailed in the home.(与此同时,相似的混乱在家里也有所流行,这句话可以这样改:与此同时,相似的现象在学校也有所发生/流行)

9. However,this is precisely where the danger lies.

10. Sth differs fundamentally from sth

11. It is inconceivable to us that……难以想象

12. Sth is of prime/utmost/greatest importance

13. In this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest importance. Those people who have accurate information to solve the critical problems of their business, social and family life will survive and succeed.

14. The test of any democratic society lies not only in how well it can control expression but also in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression. (熟悉吗?会变吗?)

15. There is a disjunction between the mass of business anecdote that prints to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.

16. In many cases, I believe, the loss of revenue has been greater than the reductions in cost.

17. Far too many people have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.

18. Important information will get buried in a sea of trivialities.

19. Give an impetus to its economy.促进经济发展

20. There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-years-old there are twice as many women as men.(英语二图表可以用)

21. They look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.(这句纯属我喜欢)

22. But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from utopia we were, they will look just like us.(这句纯属我喜欢:但是无论我们的后代怎么看待我们和他们的乌托邦世界距离多远,他们都会像我们看待前人那样看待我们。大概就是指我们觉得以前的人土了吧唧,人家后代还觉得我们很土呢)

23. When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it's advisable for us to find out what its advocates are aiming it at, for, however farfecthed and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.

24. Instead of describing sounds, we must make up words that imitate them.

25. It is more of a transient phenomenon(注意拼写)than literature.(与其说……不如说是……)

26. The whole question is really this:have we essentially changed?

27. All the same, no thinking man will refuse to accept the proposition that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression.

28. What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.(人们不能非常纯粹而开放地说出自己自己的梦想,怕被别人想成是激进的好斗的贪婪的,差不多这个意思……

29. For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, "Succeed at all costs, but avoid appearing ambitious."

30. Ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage.

31. The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and accusations ever witnessed.

32. All these are air beneficial, not detrimental to consumers.

33. With this in mind, we can……

34. It’s all deliciously ironic when you consider that……

35. The threat has broken attendance records for three years in a row.(连续三年)

36. Do something with your head.

37. So-called=what claims to be 所谓的

38. Something has passed something as the web’s most profitable business.(A超过B成为了互联网行业钱的产业)

39.  Changes in the competitive dynamics of this free fragments, industry are at last making it feasible for wholesalers to consulted.

40. It's worrisome that……可怕地

41. It's deliciously ironic that……讽刺地

42. It is advisable that……明智地

43. Cook his experiment many feature evidence doctor his reports.

44. Doing……is one thing, doing……is another thing.……是一回事……又是另一回事

45. 明显的:evident, pronounced

46. …… is a dominating factor for professional success.……是获得成功的主要因素

47. A is negatively correlated with B负相关

48. 定期地:periodically

49. Authentic role models 真实的榜样

50. Resolve conflicts

51. …… cope with a lot of obligations, with few breaks, and feel the strain.讲的压力

52. 有关创新的:the first thing need for innovation is fascination with wonder; kill off all possibilities but one扼杀可能性/抑制创造力; distinctive ideas 独特的创意; groundbreaking 开创性的

53. Even today, in our modern life, apart from certain values of diligence and thrift, the intelligence and emotional reaction of the forms of human association receives little attention as compared with physical out put.

54. The need of training is evident and the pressure to accomplish the change/progress in……is too urgent to leave those consequences wholly out of account.

55. If humanity can make some headway in realizing that…… we may well believe that……

56. The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn't explain how ideas actually spread.这个想法直觉上令人信服,但是它并没有解释……一般用于反驳别人的观点

57. As the recession is looming large.随着经济衰退日益严重



1. There is no doubt that without intelligence and diligence on the part of the students themselves, as indeed without the leadership and the coaching of the teachers, a good education result will not come.

2. Be plain irresponsible.

3. Undesirable influences 不良影响

4. All along he has been striving to not to fall short of his parents ' expectations.=to live up what his parents expect of him.

5. If a student goes to University to acquire a broader perspective of life to enlarge his ideas, and to learn to think for himself, he will undoubtedly benefit.

6. Time table 课程表

7. Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside of their own subject.

8. Fire imaginations 激发想象力

9. Compulsory education 义务教育;elementary  education初等教育

10. Grade school graduation, high school graduation, collage graduation

11. By far the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations. It's a real school that allows pupils to concentrate on those things they do well.

12. Be enrolled in private schools注册私立学校

13. Scientific and technological, manpower of all kinds. 各类科技人才的力量

14. Be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market.能够在如此饱和的激烈的市场上竞争

15. Be bilingual and proficient in English

16. The transition for school to work can be less of a setback if the start is ready for the move.



1. be crippled for life 残疾

2. Indecisive 优柔寡断的

3. Don’t retreat in the face of threats

4. It should be observed that no school, vocational or not, is helped by a confusion over its purpose.无论是职业学校还是非职业学校,如果其目的不明确,均不会获益

5. Confess fully to our dreams 完全承认梦想

6. Work through negative feelings

7. Groan about抱怨

8. The casualness and absence of deference characteristic of popular culture

9. Be not on good terms 关系不和

10. Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassfying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.在科学推动下,或者说所谓的科学,社会正在把曾经被认为是性格确定或者道德败坏这些人性重新定义为类似于身体疾病的个性问题。(差不多是说,别轻易把自己心理承受能力弱当成抑郁,这句话是不是也很好?不管用不用得到,它很好)

11. Weakness of will意志力薄弱

12. Toil through exam熬过考试

13. Stop avoid the inevitable不逃避不可逃避之事

14. Foster commonness助长平庸

15. Create excellence 塑造成功

16. Steel oneself for 使……坚强起来



1. have a moral and social consciousness 有道德和社会意识

2. Moral code道德准则

3. Unselfishness 无私;dedication奉献

4. Self-discipline自律

5. Lack of common courtesy没礼貌

6. Be treated with courtesy

7. A sense of responsibility/proportion责任感均衡感

8. Common good 公众利益

9. One of the great things that censorship does is to prevent certain deeper for making fat profits by corrupting the minds of others.

10. It is nothing for a big, strong school bad boy to an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the bus, much less stand up, and offer his seat to an older woman.(讲推老人等不文明行为)

11. Shop assistant won’t borrow to assist, taxi drivers growl at each other as they dash dangerously round corners, bus conductor pull and bell before their desperate passengers have had time to get on or off the bus, and so and so on.(不文明行为举例)

12. Moral decline 道德沦丧

13. The test of any democratic society lies not only in how well it can control expression but also in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.

14. Irresponsible people, if they have any breath left after complaining about soaring badges, might spare a moment to do something to reduce costs.

15. The growing homeless population提高住房自有率

16. Be poorly paid收入低

17. Cover the spending 支付开销

18. Perpetual war, disaster and the massacre of innocent战争灾难不断、屠杀无辜



1. 石油短缺:a shortage of petroleum

2. 太阳能:solar energy

3. The idea cure for pollution is to stop it at its source, the remedy is to……

4. Discharge poisonous substance into streams and lakes.

5. residential and business districts住宅区和商业区;community居民

6. The form of energy we use most is electricity, and everyday more is needed.

7. So it is possible that one day in the near future we will……

8. Flood and drought 洪水和干旱

9. Universal control of 全面控制

10. Ensure that it is you'd like to the best advantage.

11. Reduce the message of natural resources or tap resources hitherto unexploited.

12. Just as on smoking, voice now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's it's okay to keep pouring funes into the air until we know for sure. This is a dangerous game: by the time 100% of the evidence is in, it may be too late.

13. With the risk obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.

14. To serves as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research.

15. Fashion conservation measures采取保护措施

16. Be environmentally sound.环境友好

17. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering drink.这样的食品服务运营商从零食售卖机到大型餐饮业











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