A-Level商务知识点-市场营销组合Marketing mix

重庆编辑 2024-04-15 18:58

  市场营销组合(Marketing mix)是alevel商务重要知识点,是企业为满足消费者需求而制定的市场营销策略中的重要组成部分。它包括四个元素,分别是产品(product), 价格(price), 营销推广(promotion)和分销渠道(place),所以我们也叫它‘4Ps。下面是新航道alevel小编介绍的详情。

  1.A-Level商务-Product 产品

  (1) New product development 新产品设计研发

  为了应对持续变化的外部环境,适应消费者的喜好和习惯,并且分散单一产品的风险,发展新的机会,公司会持续地设计研发新产品。新产品能否在市场上取得成功的一个重要因素就是它是否具有独特的卖点(unique selling point or USP),有效的产品差异化(product differentiation)是企业发展USP的一个重要方式。

  (2) Product life cycle 产品生命周期管理

  通常来说我们把产品生命周期(product life cycle)分为4个阶段:进入(introduction), 成长/发展(growth),成熟(maturity)和退出(decline)。企业也会使用一些延长策略(extension strategy)比如重新包装产品或者找到产品新的用途去延长产品在市场上的存活时间。

  (3) Boston matrix 波士顿矩阵


  - Star: high market growth, high market share


  - Cash cow: low market growth, high market share


  - Question mark: high market growth, low market share

  问题产品:处在高发展的市场但市场占有率较低。这种产品所在市场发展迅速,前景较好,但由于产品竞争力薄弱市场占有率不高,因此公司可以把奶牛产品的资金投资到这种产品上,比如购买新的生产设备或者开展市场营销活动(market campaign)以增强产品竞争力,扩张市场占有率。

  - Dog: low market growth, low market share


  2. A-Level商务-Pricing 定价

  (1) Cost plus pricing: Enterprises add a certain profit rate to the unit cost of the product as pricing.


  (2) Penetration pricing: When introducing new products, enterprises attract price-sensitive customers with lower prices, so as to quickly occupy the market and gain a large number of market shares.

  企业在新产品刚刚进入市场时采取非常低的价格吸引价格敏感型的客户(price elastic),从而快速占领市场获得较高的市场占有率。

  (3) Skimming pricing:When enterprises enter the market, they set the price of products at a high level in order to maximize profits. This pricing method generally requires products with differentiated advantages such as high quality and customers are not sensitive to the price of such products.

  企业在刚刚进入市场时采取较高的价格从而比较大化自己的收入和利润。这种情况一般适用与消费者对这种产品价格不敏感(price inelastic)并且这种产品具有品质高、品牌好的特点。

  (4) Predatory pricing:Firms use very low prices (perhaps below the cost) to attract consumers and drive out competitors from the market, and then raise prices to make a profit.


  (5) Competitive pricing:Companies determine and adjust their own prices by collecting and analyzing the prices set by competitors.


  3. A-Level商务-Promotion 营销推广

  (1) Print advertising: This includes advertising in newspapers, magazines and specialist publications.


  (2) Braodcast advertising: This is advertising on TV and radio.


  (3) Outdoor advertising: This includes advertising on billboards and bus shelter posters.


  (4) Product placement advertising: Products are featured in TV shows and films.


  (5): Guerrilla advertising: Products are advertised at surprising and unconventional events to make the public take notice.


  (6) Sponsorship: This involves payment by a business to become associated with an event, an individual or a sports team.


  4. A-Level商务-Place 分销渠道

  (1) Direct selling:


  (2)Single-intermediary channel:


  (3) Two-intermediaries channel:

  生产者卖给批发商,批发商卖给零售商,零售商再卖给消费者,存在两个中间商。批发商和零售商的作用在于把货分散拆成小份(break bulk)并在消费者便捷的地方随时可以买到。比如消费者无法单独找生产厂家购买一瓶矿泉水,但中间商把一件矿泉水拆成一瓶一瓶在街边便利店售卖,消费者就可以很方便地买到。


  'Marketing is the most importanct factor that will affect the sucess of a new coffe shop'. Evaluate this view. (12 marks)


  1. Knowledge and understanding给出关键词的定义并简短回答题目问题,给出自己的观点。(2 marks)

  (1) 回答marketing的定义

  Example: Marketing is the management task that links a business to its customers by identifying and meeting the needs of customers through a range of activities such as the 4Ps – product, price, promotion, place.

  (2) 回答商业的成功的确受到市场营销策略的影响,然而也存在其他影响因素。

  Example: Marketing identifies and meets the needs of customers operating through the 4Ps and sets appropriate prices, determines effective advertising and sales targets – other factors include quality of management, adequacy of finance.

  2. Application 联系题目材料(如有)和现实商业环境解释观点。如果题目有材料文章,需要总结应用到材料中相关的信息,如果没有材料可以选择举例的方法。(2 marks)


  Example: How marketing might be applied to the development of a new coffee shop – social media campaign informing customers of the different variety of coffee beans they use in their drinks e.g. ethical sourcing.

  3. Analysis 分析论点的原因影响和结果。(2 marks)




  Example: marketing ensures that sales campaigns are effective and promotion strategies are implemented for a business – this ensures that a market presence is established as customers are made aware of the offer, leading to healthy initial sales and revenue.

  4. Evaluation 对上述观点作出判断评估和总结。 (6 marks)

  the most important...这种类型的题目评估的观点一般为:A是非常重要的,但是还有其他也很重要的因素;或者权衡题目中的商业活动需要的0和收益。

  本题可以回答影响新咖啡馆成功的因素除了市场营销,还有liquidity control, effective business planning, external factors such as economic volatility, degree of competition, quality of product等对商业也很重要的影响因素。以及对于一个新的咖啡是否有足够的资金进行营销推广活动,0的增加如果导致价格的增加,是否会导致顾客减少和销量减少。


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