Elementsin the periodic table are arrangedin order of increasing atomicnumber and placed in vertical columns (groups)andhorizontalrows(periods).
.The elements across the periods show repeating patterns inchemical and physical properties.
This is called periodicity.
Melting & Boiling Point Trends熔点和沸点趋势
Period 2 and 3elements follow the same pattern in relation to theirmelting points.
Melting points of the elements across Period 3 table.
lons of Period 3 elements with increasing positive charge (metals) and increasing of number of outer electrons across the period.
.A general increase in melting point for the Period 3 elements up to silicon is observed.
.Silicon has the highest melting point.
.After the Si element the melting points of the elements decreases significantly.
.The above trends can be explained by looking at the bonding and structure ofthe elements.
The table shows that Na, Mg and Al are metallic elements which form positive ions arranged in a giant lattice in which the ions are held together by a'sea'delocalised electrons.
Metal cations form a giant lattice held together by electrons that can freely move around.
.The electrons in the 'sea'of delocalised electrons are those from the valence shellofthe atoms.
.Na will donateone electron into the'sea'of delocalised electrons,Mg will donate two and Al three electrons.
·As a result of this, the metallic bonding in Al is strongerthanin Na.
.This is because the electrostatic forces between a 3+ion and the larger number of negatively charged. delocalised electrons is much larger compared to a1+ion and the smallernumber ofdelocalisedelectronsin Na
·Because of this,the melting points increase going from Na to Al.
.Si has the highest melting point due to its giant molecular structure in which each Si atom is held to its neighbouring Siatoms by strong covalent bonds.
.PS,Cland Ar are non-metallic elements and exist as simple molecules(P4,S8CI2and Ar asa single atom).
.The covalent bonds within the molecules are strong however,between the molecules,there are only weak instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces.
·lt doesn't take much energy to break these intermolecularforces.
.Therefore,the melting points decrease going from P to Ar(note that the melting point of S is higher than that of P as sulphur exists aslarger S8 molecules compared to the smaller P4 molecule).
Atomic radius原子半径
.The atomic radius is the distance between the nucleus and the outermostelectron ofan atom.
Atomic radii of period 3 elements.
.You can see a clear trend across the period which also repeated in period 2.
The graph shows a decrease in atomic radii of period 3 elements across the period.
·Across the period,the atomic radii decrease
.This is because the number of protons (the nuclear charge) and the number of electrons increases by one every time you go an element to the right.
.The elements in a period all have the same number of shells (so the shielding effect is the same).
.This means that as you go across the period the nucleus attracts the electrons more strongly pulling them closerto thenucleus.
·Because of this, the atomic radius (and thus the size of the atoms)decreases across the period.
在同一周期,从左到右,原子半径会减少。这是因为质子的数量(核电荷)和电子的数量每向右移动一个元素就增加一个,同一。这周期内的元素都有相同数量电子层 (所以屏蔽效应是相同的)意味看,同一周期从左到右,原子核对电子的吸引力更强,将它们拉得离原子核越近。正因为如此,原子半径(以及原子的大小)在整个周期内都会减少。
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