经济学理论自成体系,alevel经济学主要包括宏观经济学和微观经济学,其中宏观经济学研究对象是国家,比如通货膨胀、失业、汇率等,会从的角度看待经济,考生将学习Inequality(不平等)、Unemployment(失业)、Immigration(移民)、Economic Growth(经济增长)、Trade/Budget deficits(预算赤字)等概念。
Unit 1: The operation of markets, market failure and the role of government 市场运作、市场失灵和政府角色
1. The economic problem and methodology 经济问题和方法
2. How markets work 市场如何运作
3. An introduction to production, costs, revenue and profit生产、0、收入和利润介绍
4. Competitive and concentrated markets竞争和集中市场
5. Market failure and government intervention in markets市场失灵和政府干预
Unit 2: The national economy in a global environment全球环境下的国民经济
1. The measurement of macroeconomic performance宏观经济绩效的衡量
2. How the macroeconomy works 宏观经济的运行方式
3. Economic performance 经济效益
4. Macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策
Unit 3: The economics of business behaviour and the distribution of income 商业行为和收入分配
1. The objectives of individuals and firms 个人和公司的目标
2. Costs, revenue and profits 0、收入和利润
3. Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly 完全竞争、不完全竞争市场和垄断
4. The labour market 劳动力市场
5. Poverty and inequality 贫穷和不平等
Unit 4: Economic development and the global economy经济发展和全球经济
1. Globalisation and trade 全球化与贸易
2. The balance of payments, exchange rates and financial markets 国际收支、汇率和金融市场
3. Economic growth and development经济增长和发展
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