嗨,亲爱的们,今天新航道的小编将用英语的形式带领大家领阅中国诗词的魅力(Charm of Chinese Poetry),让我们一起来感受一下吧。
The beauty of poetry——A kind of beauty that more than words can finish conveying the meaning.
“Looking up,I find the moon bright,bowing in homesickness I'm drowned"expresses your loneliness and desolation while you are drifting on a strange land.
而现在,乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡,我在这头,大陆在那头。” 是你游弋他乡时对祖国的深深牵挂。
"And now my homesickness is a shallow strait I am here and the mainland is there" voices your deep care for the mainland while you wander overseas.
"So dim,so dark,so dense,so dull,so damp,so dank,so dead" can never be able to pour out your sorrow and misery.
“一样是明月,一样是隔山灯火,满天的星,只有人不见,梦似的挂起" 道不尽你那阴阳两隔的伤。
“The moon is still so bright;Beyond the hills the lamp sheds the same light.The sky besprinkled with star upon star.But I do not know where you are.It seems you hang above like dreams" is unable to express your pain in being separated from each other by death.
The beauty of poetry is a dramatic beauty as" You are standing on the bridge watching the scene,while the one watching the scene on the pavilion is watching you" ;
也是 "众里寻他千百度,那人却在灯火阑珊处" 的意境美。
and a poetic imagery as "Having searched for him hundreds and thonsands of times in the crowd,suddenly you turn back,and he is there by the dim light".