我们照常来看看究竟什么是Humanities呢,根据牛津词典的英文注解,Humanities是the subjects of study that are concerned with the way people think and behave, for example literature, language, history and philosophy,即和人类思考及行为表现有关的学科,其中囊括了文学、语言、历史和哲学等等,甚至音乐、宗教也包括在这里面。
comedy /ˈkɑ:mədi/ n喜剧片
(考题47 lecture1 There's still a certain amount of restraint in a neoclassicalcomedy.)
tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/ n悲剧片
documentary /ˌdɑ:kjuˈmentri/ n纪录片
feature film 故事片
Fiction /ˈfɪkʃn/ n科幻片
horror /ˈhɔ:rə(r); ˈhɑ:rə(r) / n恐怖片
cartoon / kɑ:rˈtu:n/ n卡通片
cast /kæst/ n全体演员
director /dəˈrektə(r); dɪˈrektə(r); daɪˈrektə(r)/ n导演
script /skrɪpt/ n电影剧本
theme song 主题曲
projector /prəˈdʒektə(r)/ n投影机
(考题22 lecture4 I think I read somewhere that they used music to drown out the sound of the film projectors?)
Shutter trigger 快门触发器
Image sensor 图像传感器
Shutter 快门
Camera body 机身
darkroom n暗房
exposure /ɪkˈspoʊ ʒə(r)/ n软片,底片,胶片;曝光时间
zoom in /zu:m/ 拉近
Blues n蓝调音乐,布鲁斯音乐(源于美国南部黑人,节奏感强、缓慢忧郁)
Funk /fʌŋk/ n乡土爵士乐
Jazz /dʒæz/ n爵士乐
Hip hop n嘻哈音乐
Rap /ræp/ n说唱
Rock n摇滚乐
Country /ˈkʌntri/ n乡村音乐
Folk /foʊk/n民间音乐
Classic /ˈklæsɪk/ n古典
Instrument /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ n乐器
考题34 passage2 Watt was employed at the time by the University of Glasgow as a skilled crafts worker making scientific instruments.)
Orchestra / ˈɔ:rkɪstrə/ n管弦乐队
(考题22 conversation2 But jazz was in its heyday back then, and when she got out of the conservatory, she was invited to join a jazz orchestra.)
Cello /ˈtʃeloʊ/ n大提琴
(考题5 conversation1 Everyone's into sports and I'm more artsy, you know, into music. I play the cello.)
Viola /viˈoʊlə/ n中提琴
Violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ n小提琴
Harmonica /hɑ:rˈmɑ:nɪkə/ n口琴
Guitar /gɪˈtɑ:(r)/ n吉他
Flute /flu:t/ n长笛
Piano /piˈænoʊ/ n钢琴
Trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ n小号,喇叭
(考题34 lecture4 Along with Miles Davis on trumpet, there is Bill Evans on piano, John Coltrane on tenor saxophone...)
Chord /kɔ:rd/ n和弦
Concerto / kənˈtʃɜ:rtoʊ/ n协奏曲
Quality n音质
Volume /vɑ:lˈju:m; vɑ:ljəm/n音量 (volume up/down 加大/减小音量)
Beat n节奏
Melody n旋律
harmony /ˈhɑ:rməni/ n和声
symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/ n交响乐
Brush /brʌʃ/ n刷子,画笔
Canvas /ˈkænvəs/ n帆布画布,油布
(考题44 conversation2 I know he dripped paint onto the canvas instead of using abrush.)
Pigment /ˈpɪgmənt/ n颜料
(考题10 passage1 From the Middle East the Chinese acquired a blue pigment)
Charcoal painting /ˈtʃɑ:rkoʊl/炭笔画
(考题3 lecture3 here's charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the paintings were made.)
Engraving /ɪnˈgreɪvɪŋ/ n版画,雕版印刷品
Landscape painting 风景画
Lithograph /ˈlɪθəgræf/ n石版画
Crayon /ˈkreɪən/ n蜡笔画
Watercolor 水彩
Portrait /ˈpɔ:rtrət/ n肖像画
(考题32 conversation2 They have a lot of miniature portraits of children as part of their permanent collection.)
Oil painting 油画
Fresco / ˈfreskoʊ/ n壁画
(考题26 lecture4 o far we have been talking all semester about restoring and preserving pieces of art,like ancient frescos , early oil paintings , etc.)
Gallery /ˈgæləri/ n画廊
Salon /səˈlɑ:n/ n沙龙
Sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ n雕塑
(考题47 passage1 It was lavishly furnished with imported sculptures and other Classical objects.)
Statue /ˈstætʃu:/ n雕像
Impressionism /ɪmˈpreʃənɪzəm/ n印象派(19 世纪下半叶兴起于法国的绘画风格,主要表现光与色的效果,不着眼于准确的细节)
Dadaism n达达主义(崇尚虚无主义的流派)
Ballet /ˈbæleɪ/ n芭蕾
Opera /ˈɑ:prə/ n戏剧
Choreograph /ˈkɔ:riəgræf/ v编舞
Libretto /lɪˈbretoʊ/ n(歌剧或音乐剧的)唱词,歌词
Soloist /ˈsoʊloʊɪst/ n独唱者,单独表演者
Choir /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ n唱诗班,合唱队,歌唱队
Composer /kəmˈpoʊzə(r)/ n创作者,作曲家
Conductor /kənˈdʌktə(r)/ n指挥
Theatre /ˈθi:ətər/ n剧院,戏院
Drama /ˈdrɑ:mə/ n戏剧文学,戏剧艺术
Audience /ˈɔ:diəns/ n观众,听众
Score /skɔ:(r)/ n总谱,配乐
Rehearse /rɪˈhɜ:rs/ v彩排,排演
Prelude /ˈprelju:d/ n序曲,前奏曲
Character /ˈkærəktə(r)/ n角色
Role /roʊl/ n角色