1. Be more disciplined and have a stronger will
2. Work with people who share the same goals
3. Consult a professional expert
1. 更加自律才能保持健康饮食
2. 寻找拥有相同目标的人们并不实际(大家的时间对不上)
3. 咨询专家太贵
1. 寻找具有相同目标的人互相监督才能有利于保持
2. 自律太难,相比较互相监督来说更难
3. 咨询专家太贵
1. 专家才能给出最专业的建议,事半功倍
2. 自律太难做到(工作一忙或者学习一忙,很容易放弃)
3. 寻找拥有相同目标的人们并不实际(大家的时间对不上)
The fast advance of technology has created various additives for people’s food and thus food is getting increasingly tastier. However, at the same time, food is also becoming less and less healthy, which brings about a voice about keeping a healthy eating habit in the society. Some people argue that working with people who share the same goal or consulting a professional expert is a good idea to keep a healthy diet. However, from my perspective, being more disciplined and having a stronger will is actually the best way to keep a healthy diet.
To begin with, it is not practical to find someone to work with. It may seem plausible to people that working with someone who shares the same goal is a good idea to keep a good eating habit. But the reality is that it is hard to realize that, since people are all busy and they tend to have different schedules. For example, one person may usually go to work at 9 am in the morning and have lunch at 12 pm. Another person may have to show up in the office at 8 am and lunch time will be around 1 pm. In this case, although they have the same goal to keep a healthy diet, it is hard for them to monitor each other and encourage each other to stay with the healthy diet. Thus it is not practical to find a person to work together on eating healthily.
Moreover, consulting a professional expert may be too expensive. It is true that a professional expert may help a lot by providing various suggestions on how to eat healthily and how to keep the habit. However, a good professional expert may not be cheap. For example, one session with the expert may cost a few hundred dollars or even a few thousand. And it is usually the case that one session is not enough, since people may need suggestions at different stages of keeping a healthy diet. For instance, they may have to reduce the staple at the beginning stage; then they need to work on consuming more vegetables and fruits. Thus they need suggestions about how to reduce staple and also won’t feel too hungry at work at first and also later advice on what kinds of fruits and vegetables they should consume every day. Consequently, they may need many sessions in order to get sufficient information, which will make the cost too expensive to bear.
Furthermore, only with a strong will can people succeed in keeping a healthy diet. It is because when people are more disciplined or have a strong will, they will control their behaviors consciously and keep the habit no matter what situations they are in. For example, they may have to work late at the company, but if they are disciplined, they will still try to buy some healthy food for dinner, such as salad or sandwich, instead of hamburger which may sound more rewarding for long and hard work; they may have to start work early and show up in the office at 7 am, but a person with a strong will may still squeeze time and make themselves some healthy breakfast at home, such as a glass of milk, some slices of toast and an egg, instead of grabbing some hotdogs on the way to work. Therefore, only with a strong will, can a person really keep a healthy diet.
To sum up, being more disciplined and having a strong will are the best way to keep a healthy diet.