If you were to study a new form of art, which would you like to choose, wood sculpture, portrait painting, or photography?
If I were to study a new form of art, I would choose photography. Because I want to record the beauty of the world. In my mind, the morning glow, blooming flowers, ??? green trees, and even the every day lives of people around me are worth recorded. Also, I'm a big fan of travelling. I'd like to take a lot of pictures during my journey. I believe, after many years, when I look back to those pictures I took. They will recore/recall those happy moments from memory. Besides, by sharing the pictures I took, others can also share my happyness and sadness, which can promote the relationship between us.
1 are worth recorded————are worth recording
1 they will recore those happy moments from memory————they will bring back happy memories
2 relationship between us————their relationship with me
If I were to study a new form of art, I would choose photography. Because I want to record the beauty of the world. In my mind, the morning glow, blooming flowers, ??? green trees, and even the every day lives of people around me are worth recording. Also, I'm a big fan of travelling. I like to record the pictures of my journey. I believe after many years, when I look back to the pictures I took, they will bring back happy memories. Besides, by sharing the pictures I took, others can also share my happyness and sadness, which can promote their relationship with me.