

作者: 2023-03-20 10:50 来源:重庆编辑


  一、社会发展类话题难点词汇 List 1

  1. legislation n.法律,立法

  Region and politics, they believed, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed humanitarian legislation. (OG1-1)


  2. territory n.领土

  Where neighbors are in the same position, having filled up the whole of the desirable habitat available in their home territories, expansion is also problematic. (35-2)


  3. aristocrat n.贵族

  a council made up of aristocrats(40-1)


  4. surpass v.超越

  One possible response to surpassing the carrying capacity of a region is for a group to exploit adjoining land. (35-2)

  关联词:exceed,more than

  5. egalitarian a.平均主义的

  Such societies likely were largely egalitarian; beyond distinctions based on age and gender, virtually all people had equivalent rights, status, and access to resources.(35-2)


  6. aboriginal a.原始的

  motifs of seeming simplicity can encode complex meanings in aboriginal Australia. (23-3)

  关联词:original,derive from

  7. Netherlands n.荷兰

  Industrialization in Netherlands and Scandinavia (40-1)


  8. Constitution n.宪法

  Within this traditional framework the Athenians, between 600 B.C. and 450 B.C., evolved what Greeks regarded as a fully fledged democratic constitution. (40-1)


  9. assembly n.集会,装配

  an assembly made up of men (40-1)


  10. surplus n.冗余

  Native Americans had grown corn in the region for years, but never in such large fields as did later settlers who became farmers, whose surpluses were shipped east.(33-2)

  关联词:extra good

  二、典型话题文章结构分析 Mind map及题型练习:

  TPO35 - P2 the development of social complexity

 Mind map及题型练习


  Paragraph 1. For most of human history, we have foraged (hunted, fished, and collected wild plants) for food. Small nomadic groups could easily supply the necessities for their families. No one needed more, and providing for more than one’s needs made little sense. The organization of such societies could be rather simple, revolving around age and gender categories. Such societies likely were largely egalitarian; beyond distinctions based on age and gender, virtually all people had equivalent rights, status, and access to resources.


  1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 1 as a characteristic of early nomadic foraging societies?

  A. Organization by age or gender

  B. Collection of surplus food

  C. Equal access to resources

  D. Lack of status divisions

  正确答案:B 原文:providing for more than one’s needs made little sense.

  三、社会发展类话题难点词汇 List 2

  1. civilization n. 文明

  例句:By 3000 B.C., just as ancient Egyptian civilization was coming into being along the Nile, they had settled in the heart of the East African highlands far to the south. (TPO52 , P3)


  2. revolution n. 革命

  例句:Tolls on roads became high enough to finance what has been called a road revolution, involving new surfaces and bridges, new passes through the Alps, and new inns and hospices for travelers. (TPO46 , P2)


  3. sedentary adj. 定居的

  例句:A few groups along the margins of the lake in the Valley of Mexico may have been sedentary villagers, as were some groups along the coasts, and their role in the domestication of plants and animals and the eventual spread of agriculture is unclear. (TPO64 , P3)

  4. agriculture n. 农业

  例句:Eventually, at some uncertain date probably about 26 centuries ago, there was a technological breakthrough that made it possible to farm crops outside the few oases, streams, and other places with sufficient rainfall for agriculture. (TPO65 , P3)

  关联词:agricultural, farming

  5. domestication n. 驯养

  例句:The proposed areas of the domestication of African crops lie in a band that extends from Ethiopia across southern Sudan to West Africa. (TPO7 , P3)

  关联词:domesticated, domestic

  6. cereal n.庄稼

  例句:The stone tools of the Natufians included many sickle-shaped cutting blades that show a pattern of wear characteristic of cereal harvesting. (TPO52 , P2)

  关联词:grain, crop

  7. settlement n.定居点

  例句:This intensification is also reflected in a much more elaborate and diverse technology, more exchange of goods and materials between neighbors, greater variety in settlement types, and a slowly rising population throughout southern Scandinavia. (TPO55 , P1)

  8. cultivated adj. 耕种的

  例句:This increase of food supply was due perhaps half to the increase of cultivated area, particularly by migration and settlement in the central and western provinces, and half to greater productivity—the farmers’ success in raising more crops per unit of land. (TPO48 , P1)

  关联词:cultivate, agrarian

  9. rural adj. 农村的

  例句: The middle classes enjoyed their town-home gardens, wealthy city dwellers maintained rural estates, and Roman emperors had country villas that were both functioning farms and places of recreation. (TPO 63, P3)


  10. pastoralism n.游牧

  例句:Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia. (TPO14 , P3)


  四、典型话题文章结构分析 Mind map及题型练习:

  TPO 20-2 Early Settlements in the Southwest Asia


  Paragraph 5:Five centuries later, about 7700B.C., a new village rose on the mound. At first the inhabitants still hunted gazelle intensively. Then, about 7000 B.C., within the space of a few generations, they switched abruptly to herding domesticated goats and sheep and to growing einkorn, pulses, and other cereal grasses. Abu Hureyra grew rapidly until it covered nearly 30 acres. It was a close-knit community of rectangular, one-story mud-brick houses, joined by narrow lanes and courtyards, finally abandoned about 5000 B.C.. Many complex factors led to the adoption of the new economies, not only at Abu Hureyra, but at many other locations such as 'Ain Ghazal, also in Syria, where goat toe bones showing the telltale marks of abrasion caused by foot tethering (binding) testify to early herding of domestic stock.

  取非题:According to paragraph 5, after 7000 B.C. the settlement of Abu Hureyra differed from earlier settlements at that location in all of the following EXCEPT

  A. the domestication of animals

  B. the intensive hunting of gazelle

  C. the size of the settlement

  D. the design of the dwellings

  正确答案:B gazelle对应信息(本文第二段)是7000 B.C.前的信息,而非7000 B.C.后。


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