在众多雅思口语part 1和part 3的one-on-one问题当中, 大部分考生会觉得谈论学习,朋友等话题较为轻松;而关于社会类的话题却有些举步维艰。这种情况出现的原因在于:考生可能之前已经学习过与前者相关的表达,但是对于后者很少思考或者谈论,现实生活中相关经历较少,所以不知道从何“下口”,,看到题脑中其实没有什么思路。今天就以一个典型的社会类考题为例,从这种现象的社会背景,2个影响因素以及问题中出现的两个主要对象入手,将题目有效拆分,按照步骤更清晰,更有条理的解答类似难题。
题目:Why do Chinese parents like to buy houses for their future generation?
这样回答不能很好的解答考官心中的疑虑:下一代已经自己工作了,应该具备购买能力了呀?再者传统观念也不是强制性的,有些家长也不一定就会遵循传统观念。所以需要考生向考官解释影响家长做出这个决定的背景情况(background information) , 然后指出影响因素(traditional value and requirement of household register) 以及下一代购房时遇到的困难(下一代的角度。)
Background information:
Despite government's different practices of tightening controls on the housing price and sales market, most citizens are facing a soaring property price, intensifying the already vexing problem for the young people who seek to purchase a new home.
Parents perspective:
The traditional value of buying house for the offspring is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, along with the harsh fact that a newly born baby can only have her household register if her young parents have a property certificate under their name, drives the senior to buy a house for their offspring.
Offspring perspective:
For them, the ratio of monthly mortgage to income has reached almost a record high.Even with them working day and night, it’s impossible to payoff the down payment and mortgage.
Well, I've heard that the government has practiced several tightening controls on the housing price and sales market, but we are still seeing that most citizens are actually facing a soaring property price, and it has become a vexing problem for young people who seek to purchase a new home.In addition, the traditional value of buying house for the offspring is deeply rooted in Chinese culture,along with the fact that a newly born baby can only have her household register and receive education if her young parents have a property certificate under their name, drives the senior to buy a house for their offspring.On top of this, the ratio of monthly mortgage to income has reached almost a record high.Even with the young working day and night, it's impossible to pay off the down payment and mortgage.All those 3 factors I would say are the impetus for parents to buy houses for their future generation.