说到雅思阅读恶心的题型, matching如果称第二, 那其他小老弟没有敢称的。它无序又狡猾,它段子又绝孙,反正给人感觉就是不给活路。但是如果想要阅读高分,我们还是硬着头皮上啊,所以如果能找到那“四两”我们就拨它“千斤”。
Example 1:
At the University of Kansas art museum, investigators tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings.For the first group, the room was painted white,for the second, dark brown.The experiment revealed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than the people in the white environment.Dark brown stimulated more activity, but the activity ended sooner.
Example 2:
When light encounters a cloud of small particles, it is diffused.
This maybe illustrated by a familiar example.When sunlight enters a
Darkened room through a gap in the blinds, it will appear as a brilliant ray of light.This is because there are tiny particles of dust suspended in the air. These, although normally invisible, catch and diffuse and strong light shining on them. Thus we can see that diffusion occurs owing to all sorts of impurities in the atmosphere. This explains all the delightfully varied shades of color seen at different times of the day.
通常比较和对比型段落多用于说明性文章。它的特点是通过对两个或更多的对象进行比较或对照,陈述它们的异同,从而说明作者的观点,引出结论。作者根据写作目的需要来分配笔墨的轻重稀浓。对于论述对象的描述有的“平起平坐”比如example 1的结构。但是值得一提的是在比较、对比型段落中还有一种特殊的类型。当作者试图介绍一个抽象的概念或不为人们熟悉的事物时,他往往是借助比喻或类比的方法,引入另一个具体的概念或人们所熟知的具体事物,然后进行比较比如example 2, 文章将光的漫射现象引起“蓝天白云”的景观和阳光穿透缝隙射进暗室的现象进行比较。前者是人们只知其表而不解其中的事物,可谓不熟悉的;后者是日常生活中常见的,可谓熟悉的。这样一来如果前面的文章晦涩难懂那么依靠后面的类比也就能明白段落核心了。
另外,大家还可以多总结表达比较结果的一些考点词,比如在阐发比较对象的相同点时, same, like, similar, likewise, equal,identical这样的词语用得较多。而阐发相异之处时, 则多用but,however, yet, nevertheless, whereas, although, despite等。