修辞是指一种有效写作或演讲的艺术,作者使用修辞是为了使文章更有效地说服读者,从而达到某种目的。因此,在修辞目的题中, 从常见的提问方式(why does the author mention…) 中可以得知,题干中信息所在的例证句,出现的目的是为了去解释说明某个观点句。而根据学术文章的写作手法,观点句一般会出现在例证句的前面,所以在解题的过程中,读懂了例证句的含义后,通常需要往前文去找寻它所支撑的观点句。具体的情况是怎么样的呢,我们来看以下两道例题:
When several individuals of the sames pecies or of several different species depend on the same limited resource, a situation may arise that is referred to as competition. The existence of competition has been long known to naturalists; its effects were described by Darwin in considerable detail. Competition among individuals of the same species(inter species competition) , one of the major mechanisms of natural selection, is the concern of evolutionary biology. Competition among the individuals of different species(interspecies competition) is a major concern of ecology.It is one of the factors controlling the size of competing populations, and extreme cases it may lead to the extinction of one of the competing species. This was described by Darwin for indigenous New Zealand species of animals and plants, which died out when competing species from Europe were introduced.
In paragraph 1, why does the author mention what happened in New Zealand?
A.To indicate that Darwin understood the importance of competition
B.To illustrate that competition can lead to the extinction of species
C.To identify where the idea of competition among species first arose
D.To argue against the idea that the process of selection is a natural occurrence
Frog species that remain exposed to the sun despite high diurnal (daytime) temperatures exhibit some fascinating modifcations in the skin structure that functions morphological adaptations.Most amphibian skin is fully water permeable and is therefore not a barrier against evaporation or solar radiation.The African savanna frog Hyperolius viridiflavus stores guanine crystals in its skin, which enable it to better refect solar radiation, thus providing protection against overheating.The tree frog Phyllomedusa sauvagei responds to evaporative losses with gland secretions that provide a greasy film over its entire body that helps prevent desiccation(dehydration) .
“Phyllomedusa sauvage “is mentioned as an example of a frog with an adaptation that
A.protects its glandular system
B.helps reduce its secretions
C.increases the amount of solar radiation that its skin can reflect
D.modifies its skin structure to protect against the drying effects of the sun
题目中问到:“Phyllomedu sasauvage i作为一个例子展现了青蛙什么样的适应性?这道题的提问方式相比于上道题更直接,题目中已经明确说明就是举了个例子。整个自然段共四句话,句中就已经讲到了两栖动物可以通过皮肤结构的变化,也就是形态上的适应来调节自身温度。第二句在进一步解释皮肤的性质和作用。第三句和第四句是两个并列的具体例子,前者说明一种青蛙可以通过皮肤,在过热时获得保护,后者说明另一种青蛙可以通过皮肤来阻止脱水。那么,题干中例子所解释说明的观点句就应该是自然段首句,也正是本段的中心句,本道题的答案为选项D。因此,第二种情况,观点句是自然段中心句。
看了以上两种情况,很多同学可能会想:修辞目的题没有很难嘛,读懂例证句,往前文看找到观点句,句子含义同义替换后答案就出来了。但是实际的练习情况中,有些时候同学们会感觉往前看的每个句子似乎都不是观点句,这个时候又该怎么处理呢,那就让我们一起相约下期的小课堂一托福阅读之修辞目的题怎么解Part 2, 欲知后事如何, 请听下回分解!