原题:Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to broadcast foreign films and TV shows. Others, however, think it is best to produce local films and shows. Discuss both views and give your own opinion
In recent decades, movies and TV series have been imported from other countries. Although some people believe foreign films and TV shows that affected many things in our lives, they also play an integral part in the development of every country. There are a number of reasons why local films and shows benefit a culture.
First, movies made by local people would help preserve the tradition and customs of their own culture. For instance, local programs such as Lunar New Year,..which reminds many young generations always remember the tradition of ethnic culture.
Second, producing more local films will enrich the cultural library. For example, film production involves many aspects of life such as education, economics, business, etc, enhancing views on culture and communication skills. On the other hand, imported movies and TV series bring a lot of advantages to a local culture. Firstly, when a country imported movies that are imported from overseas, it can help its people learn about other cultures in much easier and more effective way. In fact, it helps them broaden their own knowledge about different fields and communities through real experiences of people from other countries. Secondly, each individual can learn the good things from other civilized societies through their behavior and ways of working. For example, the habit of queuing is a beautiful habit in many Western countries, people can copy their action and apply this sort of knowledge in real life.
In conclusion, only focusing on producing local films and shows will do more harm than good. Local officials should also recognize the benefits of purchasing foreign movies on preserving their culture.
原题:Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots. Why do you think it is happening? Is it a negative or positive development?
解析:这个题目在之前的亚太区考题中就出现过,但是对于国内的考点来说,可能是次出现。可以参考的观点包括:1. 机器人可以把我们从枯燥的重复劳动中解放,让我们可以把时间和精力花在更有创造性的工作上 2. 在一些领域,让机器人去工作可能更安全。
Today, technology has become an essential part of our work and life so much so that there is a dramatic increase in the number of tasks performed by robots. In my perspective, there are several economic and sociological reasons behind this positive development.
Firstly, people’s lifestyle has become more dynamic and demanding. That means people need to study and work more to achieve their progressive objectives. Consequently, people are relying more and more on technology to do the basic tasks such as house cleaning and food preparation. For example, the number of people in the USA who use cleaning robots such as ROMBA are rapidly increasing due to the abundant time savings. Hence, by using advanced technologies people can save time for working or studying and achieve their big goals.
Secondly, this demanding lifestyle has pushed people far from their families; which, in turn, afflicted their social connections due to the shortage of free time. Therefore, people are now employing robots to save time for their social life. For instance, people in Japan use robots to prepare their breakfast while they chat. Undoubtedly, that utilization of technology improves people’s social life significantly and invigorates their business networks. Thus, the usage of robots at work and home enables people to save time and use it for other more fulfilling tasks.
To sum up, advanced technology has reached people’s work and homes. This great development makes their life more comfortable and stimulates them to focus on their goals while robots do their daily tasks. I believe that such improvement is crucial to enhance people’s well-being.
原题:Some scientists think that are intelligent life forms on other planets and messages should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea and would be dangerous. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
Extraterrestrials, that may range from single-celled organisms to beings with a civilization far more advanced than humanity may exist on other planets of the universe. Scientists do not have any evidence to prove their existence to date. According to one camp of scientists, messages should be sent to those aliens to confirm their existence; however, the other camp expresses concerns about hailing the attention of alien civilizations. I would delve into both the views in this essay.
Due of overexploitation, the earth is slowly becoming uninhabitable, to begin with. In the true spirit of exploration, astrobiologists want to explore the space for the existence of advanced life forms which would be beneficial for us in the future. Cosmologists like Stephen hawking consider this advancement in the search of intelligent lives may get to a period in our future where we outgrow our evolutionary baggage. Furthermore, a search of extraterrestrial civilizations will make us not only technologically more proficient than we are, but more aware of the rarity and preciousness of life in the cosmos.
On the other hand, there are a plethora of risks in contacting extraterrestrials scientists currently have no idea what alien life-forms might look like, or how they might respond to contact from human civilization. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they could reach. We don't know much about aliens, but we know about humans. If we look at history, contact between humans and less intelligent organisms have often been violent and have gone badly for the less advanced. A civilization reading one of our messages could be billions of years ahead of us. If so, they will be vastly more powerful, and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.
In conclusion, even though I fear that an advanced alien civilization would have no problem wiping out the human race, the desire for the search for life beyond earth outgrows the risks and I strongly agree that it would give us a commitment to live. We are alive. We are intelligent. We must search for the signs of life in this universe.