Traditionally favored by private institutions, school uniforms are being widely adopted by public schools in increasing numbers.传统上,私立学校青睐校服,但现在公立学校越来越多地使用校服。 语言解析:1. favor: 更喜欢,偏爱。大家以后在表达时,不要总用like sth. more, 或者prefer啦。2. adopt uniforms, 注意adopt: 采用,采纳。以后不总用have 或use了。
School uniforms may improve attendance and discipline. 校服可以提高出勤率和增强纪律性。 Several schools in China have introduced uniforms with tracking chips to monitor students' whereabouts and stop them playing truant. The project manager said that attendance had gone up since the uniforms had been introduced.中国的几所学校引入了嵌入了追踪芯片的校服来监控学生的行踪并防止他们逃学。该项目经理表示,自从学校引入了这款校服,学生们的出勤率提高了。 语言解析:3. introduce uniform:引入校服,这里其实是对前面adopt uniform的一种替代写法,不重复。4. whereabouts: 行踪。监控,犯罪类话题经常写的词汇。
School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork.
校服让学生专注于他们的学习,而不是他们的衣服。 当所有学生都穿着同一套衣服时,他们就不必担心自己的外表和与同龄人的相处;因此,他们可以专心学习。 语言解析:5. focus on their education 和 concentrate on their schoolwork, 含义类似,专心学习的意思,是两个替换性表达。6. outfit: 特定目的或场合穿的套装,是为了替换uniform.
School uniforms may deter crime and increase students' safety. School uniforms make it easier to keep track of students on field trips, and make intruders on campus more visible. 校服可能会震慑犯罪并提高学生的安全。校服还可以防止学生将武器藏在宽松的衣服下,使在野外旅行时更容易跟踪学生,并使校园入侵者更容易看到。 语言解析:7. deter crime: 震慑犯罪,犯罪类话题频表达。8. keep track of students与前面的monitor students’ whereabouts 含义类似,替换表达。
Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit. Uniforms help troubled students feel they have the support of a community: “There is a sense of belonging.” 穿校服可以增强学校的自豪感,团结精神和团体精神。 校服可以帮助陷入困境的学生感到他们得到了团体的支持:“有归属感。”
语言解析:9. 前面出现过的improve attendance; increase safety; 和本段的enhance school pride. 都是提高什么,improve, increase, enhance 很多时候可以互换. 比如下面是牛津词典对enhance解释。
不同之处在于,improve 和enhance都是变得更好,但increase只是提高,增加,不一定变好了,后面有例子。
School uniforms can save parents money. Parents can reduce their financial burden when their children are limited to wearing one simple outfit every day. Without school uniform policies, parents may feel pressure to compete with other families by purchasing fashionable clothes for their children.校服可以为父母省钱。当孩子每天只能穿一件简单的衣服时,父母可以减轻经济负担。 如果没有校服政策,父母可能会为孩子购买时髦的衣服而感到与其他家庭竞争的压力。
10. reduce their financial burden: 减轻经济负担。reduce可以替换的同义词有ease; lighten 和relieve. 那么,要表达增加负担呢?要用increase, 而不能是improve和enhance, 因为负担并不是变的更好。