With smartphones and e-readers becoming more common, some have worried that the days of paper books are numbered. 随着智能手机和电子阅读器的日益普及,一些人担心纸质书的时代即将结束。
01 Advantages
eBooks are portable and lightweight, making it easy to carry around. Instead of carrying multiple bulky books, one eBook reader can hold thousands of eBooks. It saves a lot of space in your home and in your bag. One does not have to worry about the storage limit. 电子书轻巧便携,便于携带。 一个电子书阅读器可以携带数千本电子书,而无需携带多本笨拙的书。 它节省了很多空间,无论是在您的家中还是在您的书包中。 不必担心存储空间的限制。 eBooks can be downloaded and stored for later use. One can carry the eBook around and read them whenever they want. Students and employees can go through the learning material while at home and even while travelling. It is convenient for people on the go.可以下载和存储电子书以供以后使用。 人们可以随身携带电子书,并在需要时阅读它们。 学生和员工可以在家中甚至在旅途中浏览学习材料。方便旅途中的人们。
eBooks are environment-friendly. It totally eliminates the paper printing process, saving printing cost for the publishers.
电子书对环境友好。 它完全消除了纸质打印过程,为出版商节省了打印成本。
But as a recent survey showed, traditional books are still popular among readers.但近期的一项调查显示,传统书籍在读者中依然大受欢迎。 The number of people subscribing to newspapers may be shrinking as they flock to the Internet, but electronic book readers will not shred the market for ink, paper, glue and binding anytime soon.订阅报纸的人数可能会随着涌向互联网而减少,但是电子书阅读器不会很快分裂墨水,纸张,胶水和装订的市场。 7 percent more paper books were sold in the UK in 2016 compared to the previous year, while sales of their digital rivals declined by 4 percent. It was the second year in a row that e-book sales have fallen.和前一年相比,2016年英国纸质书的销量上涨了7%,而电子书的销量却下跌了4%。电子书的销量已经连续第二年下跌。
The survey, surprisingly, found that it is young people who preferred physical books to e-reader versions. And it is not just UK youth who prefer print books. The story is the same in other countries.调查令人惊讶地发现,正是年轻人更加喜欢纸质书,而非电子书。不仅仅是英国年轻人喜欢纸质书,其他国家的年轻人也是如此。 The main reasons were that when reading e-books, students are easily distracted. Some also ended up with headaches or sore eyes.的主要原因是,阅读电子书时,他们很容易分心。一些人事后甚至会感到头痛和眼睛酸涩。 In addition, print books can bring a very different reading experience.而纸质书却能带来全然不同的阅读体验。 Readers like the smell of books when reading a hard copy. They get a sense of accomplishmentwhen they finish reading a paper book and they enjoy seeing it on the bookshelf.在读纸质书籍时,他们很喜欢书本的味道。当自己读完一本纸质书时,会有一种成就感,而且他们也很高兴能在书架上看见那本书。