regular aerobic exercise 定期做有氧运动
increase the blood flow and volume in parts of the hippocampus增加血液在海马体里的量和流动
Regular aerobic exercise like running improves performance on memory tasks by increasing the blood flow and volume in parts of the hippocampus
shrinks by 1 to 2 percent per year in late adulthood 晚年以每年百分之一到百分之二的速度缩小
This is important as the hippocampus is a part of the brain that is critical for learning and memory but it shrinks by 1 to 2 percent per year in late adulthood
fight age-related declines of our memory 和由年龄产生的记忆力下降相抗争
So aerobic exercise can be a great way to fight age-related declines of our memory.
grab a good snack 随手拿起小零食
After the gym and pre studying grab a good snack.
glucose and insulin 葡萄糖和胰岛素
promote the learning of new information 促进新信息的学习
After a meal the increased glucose and insulin has shown to promote the learning of new information.
the conversion of short-term to long-term memories 由短期记忆变成长期记忆的
is enriched with insulin receptors 充满了胰岛素接收器
Glucose and insulin are also key to consolidation the conversion of short-term to long-term memories probably because the hippocampus we talked about earlier is enriched with insulin receptors
be given a blueberry supplement 多补充蓝莓
recall past events 记起以前的事情
We set a good snack but maybe try blueberries as studies show participants given a blueberry supplement had a better ability to recall past events
protect neurons 保护神经细胞
enhance their function 提高功能
stimulate their regeneration 刺激再生
Blueberries contain flavonoids that have been shown to protect neurons, enhance their function and stimulate their regeneration
keep up with the group chat 保持群组聊天
Make sure that you're keeping up with the group chat.
high-quality personal relationships 高质量的人际关系
Scientists linked high-quality personal relationships to better memory.
satisfying relationships in their old age在晚年有良好的人际关系
has similar cognitive abilities to people in their 50s and 60s 和五六十岁的人有相似的认知能力
A 2017 study found that adults aged 80 and up who reported more satisfying relationships in their old age had similar cognitive abilities to people in their 50s and 60s.
create social pressure 产生社会压力
Other research shows against memory declines common in dementia. Scientists think that our friends create social pressure.