

作者: 2020-11-15 14:27 来源:重庆编辑





1. 想了解的国家

    斯里兰卡是我一直想了解的国家,位于印度洋(the Indian ocean)的中间。我对他产生兴趣(began to be curious about )是因为在中学的时候和妈妈旅游的时候去过这里。这里风景优美(is famous for its scenic spots),天空一直是蓝色的。我非常喜欢这里的大海,非常开阔(broad and silence),我还参加了当地夜晚的烧烤派对。同时斯里兰卡是一个宗教(religious country)国家,这也是我想了解斯里兰卡的一个原因。我们当时参观了科伦坡的一座寺庙。寺庙非常精美,肃穆(solemn and respectful),,让人进去参观的时候忍不住保持安静(i cant help keep quiet when i),他们会将睡莲(water lily)供奉给神明祈祷平安(enshrine~to gods)同时斯里兰卡也是多种(multiple religion)教派并存的国家,有佛教(Buddhist,christian, Moslem莫兹)基督教伊斯兰教还有印度教。我对这些宗教非常感兴趣,希望能够了解更多关于这个国家的知识,以及文化。


2. 汽车旅行

中学时候,我和我妈通过开车的方式环游(travelled around)了斯里兰卡。斯里兰卡是一个比较小的国家,所以汽车会是一个比较合适的交通工具,同时他也让我们更好的探索斯里兰卡。(it allowed us to explore the Sri Lanka off the beaten path and go deep into the rural parts of srilanka)另一个原因是我想去参观更多的人文古迹(human heritage)。我们开车前往了我们当时参观了科伦坡的一座寺庙。寺庙非常精美,肃穆(solemn and respectful),,让人进去参观的时候忍不住保持安静(i cant help keep quiet when i)。当地人他们会将睡莲(water lily)供奉给神明祈祷平安(enshrine~to gods)。我们还驾车去品尝了当地的海鲜,这些店虽然其貌不扬(unprepossessing),但是里面的海鲜非常美味且种类丰富。我非常喜欢这次旅行,因为我们看到了不一样的风景。


3. 想要再去的城市



4. 次用外语

那是一次非常尴尬的经历。中学时候,我和我妈通过开车的方式环游(travelled around)了斯里兰卡。位于印度洋(the Indian ocean)的中间。那是我次去国外,对于英语的使用还不是那么熟练(proficiency)。而当地人的英语也不是特别好,(what they speak most is)他们多是说印度语(Hindi)。那天我们住到一个酒店里,但是我们所在的那层楼电梯无法上去(the elevator cant reach that floor),我们只能去咨询(consult)工作人员(staff)。由于(due to)我还有一点英语基础,所以我去问工作人员,但是当我开口的时候我突然不知道顶楼怎么说了(the worlds fails me),而且我记得老师教过我们美语与英语(British English and American English)关于楼层的表达不一样,所以我特别纠结到底用哪个(i was so confused about which one i should chose)。最后只能随便蹦几个单词了,好在他最后理解了我的意思,我们到达了房间。这次尴尬的经历(embarrassing experience)让我特别想学好英语(improve my English oral speaking)。



   那是我和我妈从斯里兰卡回来,我们刚结束了一个美好的的假期.(coming back from srilanka,we have been just finish a wonderful holiday)我们是晚上十点的飞机。(i caught a flight to my city at 10 am)当我登上(broaded)飞机的时候,我看到一位母亲带着(with)两个小于10岁的孩子(two children under the age of ten),这个时间点他们应该在床上休息而不是旅行这么晚(who really should have been in bed at home instead of travelling so late on a Sunday)。当大家开始休息的时候(while many of the passengers were sleeping),大一点的孩子突然开始播放(play)《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的主题曲(the songs of famous cartoon pleasant goat and big big wolf),非常大声(in a high volume),并时不时的尖叫(screaming time to time)。一些乘客被他吵醒,并开始不耐烦的寻找声音源头。(were awakened and began to look for the noise source with a annoyed face)没有办法只能带上耳塞。不幸的是,他被宠坏了,他妈妈丝毫没有阻止他,(as his mother didnt stop him at all even though she noticed how other people reacted.)看起来他从来不会考虑别人,我被声音恼怒到了,觉得他的行为特别没有教养(disrespectful),我知道期待孩子乖乖玩耍是不太实际的(the thought of well-behaved children playing quietly in the background was often a romantic image),但是过度保护(overprotective)的父母不是的父母。我被小孩子吵得睡不着,只能看电影打发时间了,但是我是非常困。所以我现在很害怕坐长途飞机(long -haul aircraft),那将非常煎熬(suffering)。





上个月去南京大学看望我的同学lucy 的时候,我忘记给手机充满电了(forgot to charge my phone before),我从来没去过那里,对那里的环境不是很熟悉(where i was not that familiar with the environment as i just went there once)。很惭愧的说(it’s shame to say that),我经常忘记给手机充电,因为我做事不是特别有条理(as i am not that organized),而且我经常忽略手机的电池状态(and i tended to ignore the battery status of my phone),毫无顾虑地玩手机(and used without concern)。忘记给手机充电是一个愚蠢的错误,在我到达目的地前手机就没电了,当手机地图不能使用的时候我立即迷失了方向(and i got lost immediately when a mobile map application couldn’t be used,as my phone died before i arrived)。迷路后,我因为(for)几个原因变得焦虑起来。首先,天黑的时候在大学里闲逛(wander around)不是特别安全。我经常依赖于手机,我根本不记得我朋友的电话号码,所以我不知道怎么联系他。其次,我甚至不记得他住在大楼的名字(where),也很难向陌生人寻求帮助(ask for a stranger’s help) 。再找了(exploring)30分钟的路之后,我决定通过询问一位学生告诉我地铁站在哪里?(find the way back to my university by asking a student to show me where)后来好不容易回了家。痛苦(horrible)的经历让我从这愚蠢的错误中吸取了一些教训(enabled me to get some lessons from this stupid ),在那之后,我总是在出门前给手机提前充电(in advance)。





作为喜剧(comedies)的超级粉丝,我看过很多有趣的电影,其中三傻宝莱坞(3 idiots)是我最喜欢的电影,让我笑和思考.(making me laugh and think)三傻宝莱坞是一部有一点浪漫色彩的宝莱坞喜剧,笑到脸颊疼为止,故事围绕着(revolved around)三个朋友和他们为实现父母的梦想而奋斗的故事展开(their struggle to fulfil the dreams of their parents),这部电影的主要目的是突出印度社会的一个重要问题及父母的压力(the main objective of the film has highlight a  significant problem of the Indian society patient pressure),大多数父母不让孩子选择职业(career),他们只是想让他们成为工程师或医生(doctors),几年前我和朋友去电影院看了这部电影,因为剧本太棒了,每个角色都很可爱,所以非常搞笑,看电影的时候,我和我朋友每个人都笑得很开心。(it was absolutely hilarious as the scripts were fabulous and each characters was delightful . me and my friend laughed A lot during the movie)除了(apart from)让我开怀大笑,他还传递了很多关于友谊成功和我们国家教育制度的信息,这部电影突出了三个大学好友之间的友情,他还教会了我追随自己的激情,而不是担心在生活中要完成的成绩,这部电影还质疑了教育体系,在这个体系中,一个人的就业取决于成绩,而不是创造性的想法和发明(it has also many massages to deliver on the friendships ,success and the education system of our nation. the movie highlights the friendship bonding among three the college friends .It also teaches about following our passion instead of worrying about the grades and to be accomplished in life .the films also questioned the education system where one get the job placement based on the grades rather than the creative ideas and invention)





小时候经常玩的室内游戏是大富翁(monopoly),我经常和朋友在周末的时候玩(when we didn’t have homework to do)。大富翁是一个资产交易游戏(a property trading board game for two to six players)。在这个游戏中,大家通过扔(throw)色子的方式在游戏板上移动(move around the game board),购买和交易资产(trading properties)。另外,游戏参与者通过向对手收租(collect rent)的方式让对方(opponents)变穷甚至破产(intending to drive them into bankruptcy)。玩大富翁总是一个令人愉快(pleasing)的经历,我和我同学经常大笑(laughed a lot),这让我们友谊更加深厚了(made our friendship stronger)。另外在玩耍的过程中(more importantly),我们还可以了解很多金融概念(financial matters),比如贷款(mortgages),资产权等(property ownership)。这个游戏他教会了我如何理财(money management),学会去选择。




每个人在成长的过程中都有一个榜样(a role model in his life to look up to),对我来说,我的外公就是我对榜样。(定从)他在我人生中扮演了很重要的角色。My grand father is a retired teacher with a very kind heart,everyone in my family and even neighbourhood respects him.我特别尊敬他,因为他教会了我很多技能,(educate me with various skills since i was a kid) 其中的关键技能就是金钱管理。他不是通过教书的方式,而是通过大富翁游戏来教会了我理财的观念。By the way ,monopoly is a property trading board game in which players throw a dice to...

In days of gameplay ,my grand father made me understand financial matters like mortgages.he told me that it’s essential to learn ...With his help,i have built a great investment mindset.



我最喜欢的一家人是我的朋友lucy一家人。我和lucy经常一起玩。周末的时候我经常去她家。We gradually be came familiar with each other他们一家一共5个人。我会给他们带去水果。Lucy经常邀请我去他家玩大富翁(介绍大富翁游戏,游戏让我们学到很多,同时友情更深了。)有时候她的家人也会参与到这个游戏中,和我们一起比赛。在玩的时候,她奶奶总会给我们做好吃的,还会给我们切水果(cut)。他们一家的氛围(atmosphere)真是太好了。






Inside,you will also find a lot of comfortable seating that will help you to concentrate efficiently on any books you pick up.an abundance of light help visitors read comfortably four hours at a time.when you need a break from reading ,all you have to do is look out one of the windows and admire the amazing foliage.






Surfing is one of the exciting sports that i will having a beach holiday in Sydney.it was in the summer,but for...

It’s not easy to play it in china because of the lack of suitable surfing places.

Ride on the forward face of a moving wave.

注意beach 的发音(i:),别发音成bitch(I)



I have taken many risks in my life,today i would like to share with you about the risk last summer,which was surfing and it went well at the end .surfing is a risky sport to many people,as every wave is different and it’s challenging to find the rhythm.Learners might often fall into the sea,swallowing a belly of seawater or get hurt by the power of waves.However,i still wanted to learn it ,as surfing was an exciting way to spend a hot day,allowing me to get to experience nature.

Besides ,he always told me that surfing was very challenging and i needed to be patient .i often fell into the sea ,swallowing a belly of seawater.After surfing in the sea for 20 hours,i was able to stand on the board successfully and to ride on the forward face of a moving wave many times.  This experience has boosted my self-confidence,and i am very proud of myself.







几月前,我去我们当地的国际电音节。那里,会有不同的乐队上台表演。我们还可以玩游戏尝试不同的食物。我非常享受。但是有两个组合的音乐我不是很喜欢,是重金属摇滚heavy metal rock,比较吵,voice are too laud and make me feeling annoyed而且重金属音乐的唱歌的人会发出声嘶力竭的声音(yell demo nia cally),我感觉下一秒他就要呛到了(throat seems to be stuck)。重金属的歌听起来特别累,不是那么让我愉快(joyful)。我不是很喜欢那个声音。我和朋友继续呆了(stuck around)一会20分钟,然后我就开始头晕(however after that i felt a headache coming on due to the music),于是我们出去聊天了。我们感觉有点失望(frustrated),其实可以放一些稍微舒缓的。毕竟不是所有人都喜欢重金属摇滚。

A couple of months ago.i went to an internal music festival with my friend jane ,which was hosted in my city.

During this event,Performed on the stage while we played games and sampled food from the area.

We were all very frustrated because it coasted us 1000 yuan for the ticket and it’s half of my monthly living cost.







Mathematical modeling is the subject that i am interested in .i find it interesting and useful for several reasons.Firstly,have incredible power and beautiful ,and it is the key to innovations in most science,technology,engineering and mathematics related fields.secondly ,it help us to manipulate the world around us.To solve modelling problems,we can make assumptions, choose mathematical approaches,and assess the solution for usefulness and accuracy.then we can rework and adjust the model until it provides an accurate and predictive result of the situation.

I study mathematical modeling into ways including reading books and using modeling software firstly I read a great book which is an introduction to the mathematical modeling written by ~ this book was recommended by my friends and I read it for a few times last year .The book is very useful as it is introduces various mathematical modeling methods and shows examples of how these methods applied in the business,science and engineering .Besides ,I also use computer software such as Matlab to simulate some business problems with models. I find it is quite difficult to do at the beginning as I had to understand the complex mathematical concepts and methods.However,after reading it repeatedly and doing some research,I understand the model in quiet too well now

 Last month,why,had A hotpot with my friend Jane at my university,she shared me about the mathematical modeling which was the subject to she was interested in A lot






In china we have many traditions today,I like to talk about the mid-autumn festival.Beginning in the tang dynasty, mid-autumn festival is one of the most important festival in the china.On that day people usually go back home,to help the family reunion,they have a big dinner,the most popular food is moon cake,there are round and looked full moon,the moon is brightness,this night people eat the delicious food where they there enjoying A beautiful full in their yard and this time some old people would like to tell the many past events and tell the children the story about the rabbit on the moon,the children really believed that there is a rabbit on the moon they hope to go to the moon and have A look one day.I also very enjoy the mid-autumn festival








Actually I am very interested in a global technology company called Bytedance,which you probably heard of it from news many times recently,ByteDance is a tech giant operating a range of content platforms that inform,educate,entertain,and inspire the people across the languages,cultures and geographies .Dedicated to building global platforms of creation and interaction,ByteDance now has built serious of application

I know this company by using its most popular product tiktok,which has become a legend among entertainment apps all over the world .the platform is a home for creative expression through short videos that create a genuine,inspiring and joyful experience.From a morning coffee to an evening commute,Tiktok has the videos to make your day.Whether you’re a sports fanatic,a travel lover or simply looking for a laugh,there’s something for everyone on tiktok.

 In my opinion,Bytedance is a successful and great company,and it has offices across the world, including Beijing,New York,London and it has over billion of users worldwide in less than four year.Besides,it helps users explore and discover the world creativity,knowledge and moments that matter in everyday life,while let everyone to be a creator directly from their smartphones.

When I was A little kid I was purchased of,doris,whenever I could see one I felt the need to run as quickly and as far far as my little legs,could take me,this is largely because,often,accident,that I had with,A dog when I was around three years old,at the time,I was outside playing with my older cousin,she was,supposed to be keeping,an eyesore,make,but lost interesting in my,every quickly so I wandered of into the world,at first I thought I knew,where I was but as the light girl,the diva,I began to,feel frightened




The place I visited that has been seriously polluted, without doubt, is taihu lake, It is by far the most severely contaminated place in last year,because of its large population and fastest industrial development .(大量人口和高速工业化)I went there last April to take mind off things(放松).But I was so shocked by the lake which was teeming with algae. there were many boats trying to clean up the pollution.The booming economic development is at the cost of environment pollution. Factories of heavy industries, such as iron industry are emitting toxic gas  every single day. Waste water another by-product of industrial progress. (污水是工业化的副产品)Therefore, the amount of industy water has been discharged in to the lake which cause the  algae increasing sharply.对于太湖的景色前后对比I think governments should do what they can to  strengthen supervision and encourage production of sustainable technology.













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