1.What kind of books do you like best? 1.你最喜欢什么类型的书?
I like reading biographies of well-known people. They teach me something about history. 我喜欢读名人自传,是他们告诉我历史的来龙去脉
And I also learn others' ideas and life styles-Sometimes I find that their lives are even stranger than those of people in fictional stories. 同时也让我对于他们的思想和生活方式大 开眼界。有时我发现他们的生活甚至比小说故 事里人物的生活更奇怪。
2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading books for entertainment compared with watching TV or films? 2.作为娱乐,读书和看电视电影有什么不同?
I think the main advantage of reading books is that they do a lot to improve our imagination. 我觉得读书的主要好处是它对于我们的想象更富冲击力,
It is more challenging and we have to work harder to gain our knowledge. 我们必须努力学习才能获得知识,这样更具挑战性。
TV is less challenging and doesn't make us think as much. But the main disadvantage is that books just take too much time to get through. 电视相对就缺乏挑战性,我们也不需要思考太多。但是读书的缺点是太花费时间去消化了,
TV is more convenient and efficient and that 's why I think so many people like it. 电视则更方便和有效,那也是我想很多人喜欢看电视的原因。
3.Is reading popular in your country with young people? 3.在你们国家年轻人很喜欢阅读吗?
No,I'd say that it's getting less popular. 不是的,读书似乎变得不怎么流行了,
There are just so many other things to do that we don't really have to rely on books for entertainment. 除了读书外有很多可以娱乐消遣的,
I think TV is the main reason. It is just more efficient and easier on the brain to watch a show than read a book. 我认为电视是主要消遣对象,比起 读书看电视更方便和容易接受。