Part 1 这个季度新增的话题 pen & pencil 这个话题对很多学生来说是有爱有恨的话题。 因为它看起来跟我们的生活密切相关,应该是有很多话可以说的。但实际表达中确不知道该 说什么或者能说的点比较少。那么我们先来看一下这个话题下的四个小问题:
1. Do you usually use pen or pencil? 你是不是经常用铅笔或钢笔?
2. 2. Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil? 你用钢笔多还是铅笔多?
3. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? 你上次买铅笔或钢笔是什么时候?
4. What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present?
如果有人送一支钢笔或铅笔作为礼物,你会有什么样的感受? 在讲解这 4 道题之前我们先来看一些跟 pen and pencil 相关的相关用语。
Type of pen and pencil (由常用到不那么常用的顺序)
Gel ink pen 中性笔;mechanical pencil 自动铅笔;ballpoint pen 圆珠笔;fountain pen 钢笔;highlighting pen 荧光笔;colored pencil 彩铅……
Characters of pen and pencil
fragile 脆弱的;dwindle in popularity 受欢迎程度降低;illegible 难以辨认的;messy/beautiful handwriting 潦草的/好看的笔迹;exquisitely designed 设计精美的
ink smudges 墨水污迹;last long 持久;vanish 消失;wipe-out 修正液;correction tap修正带;eraser/rubber 橡皮
1. Do you usually use pen or pencil?
Useful expressions:
take notes 做笔记
make a draft 打草稿
make a sketch 画素描
on a daily basis 每天
joint down sth. 记下…
electronic devices 电子产品
很多学生会觉得 Q1 和 Q2 是一样的,但是如果回答方式一样那么就没有出两道题的必 要了。所以道题,我们可以把它理解为你用不用铅笔或钢笔,而不是你更喜欢用哪个。 那么回答这道题我们的答题思路就可以是,1.用,2.用什么笔做什么。因此补充一些 details, 大家日常和学习生活中肯定有很多需要用到铅笔和钢笔,比如在学校做笔记,写作业或者考试,画画,素描等等。 但是我们的考鸭中也有很多是已经毕业的工作人士,可能日常生活中用到铅笔或钢笔的 情况不太多,而是用一些电子产品,那么答案也可以说不用以及不用的原因是什么
Sample answer:
Yes, I do use them on a daily basis. In our school, electronic devices are not allowed during classes, thus we have to take notes with pen or pencil. Besides, I’m quite into drawing, so I’d make one or two sketch every week.
Honestly, neither of them. I use computer and mobiles more often, which means I type a lot instead of writing. It’s much more convenient and time-saving for a white collar in this digital world.
2. Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil?
Useful expressions:
make mistakes 犯错误
revise mistakes 改正错误
fragile 脆弱的
ink smudges 墨水污迹
correction tape 修正带
eraser/rubber 橡皮
这道题在雅思 P1 里面是很常考的一种题型,更喜欢哪一个。那么回答方式也很直白,更喜欢哪个以及为什么。1. 更喜欢用铅笔的原因可能是因为写错了之后可以用橡皮修改且不会影响美观度,也有可能是因为钢笔和铅笔比起来的一个缺点比更不容易接受。2. 更喜欢用钢笔的原因可能是因为钢笔写出来的字更加清晰,而且不容易褪色等等。
I definitely prefer to use pencil, simply for the reason that it’s much easier for me to revise the mistakes I’ve made with an eraser. Besides, I’m quite into drafting in my spare time, so pencil would be a better choice.
I’m more into using pens, especially gel ink pens, because they’re not as fragile as pencils which can bb broken in half if I press down too hard. Besides, the ink lasts longer and makes my handwriting much clearer.
3. When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?
Useful expressions:
stationer/stationery shop 文具店
mechanical pencil 自动铅笔
highlighting pen 荧光笔
run out of 用完
pricy 价格昂贵的
这个问题也是我们雅思 P1 的常见题型之一,when was the first/last time you did sth?/Have you ever done sth.。对这种问题答题遵循一个原则即可 5W1H(when, where,who, what, why, and how),这样我们才会达到 speak at length 的这样一个目的。什么时间 (凡时间用强调)我去哪里买了什么东西,为什么要买,买完后感觉怎么样。
Sample answer:
Well, it was about a week ago that I went to MUJI, which is a popular stationery shop in my city, and bought some mechanical pencils and highlighting pens since I was running out of them at that time. Although they’re relatively pricy, their quality is quite satisfying.
4. What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present?
Useful expressions:
appreciate 感激
a symbol of status 身份的象征
cater to one’s taste 迎合某人的喜好
exquisitely designed 设计精美的
sincerity 真诚,诚意
put aside 闲置
1.礼物所代表的诚意比礼物的价格更重要;2 我很喜欢钢笔和钢笔,送这个礼物是符合我喜好的;3.设计精美的笔既是一种身份的象征,也具有一定的收藏价值和意义。如果认为它
不是一个好的礼物,学生会觉得这样说会不会显得我比较势力之类的,其实这个部门考官是在问一些 question about yourself,所以表达自己的观点也是可以的,原因可能是觉得这 个礼物太简单了不能算作一个很好的礼物,也有可能是我不太需要这个东西,所以收到了之 后可能也会被闲置,所以无用也可以算作一个理由。
Sample answer:
Um, I’d be extremely delightful and touched. As I mentioned before, I’m quite into drawing, so this person must be quite considerate as he/she knows me well. It is the sincerity rather than the price that matters for me. It’s really cool to receive them as a gift.
Well, I suppose I’d be a little bit disappointed, since they’re too simple to be considered as a good gift. What’s more, I don’t use pen or pencil often in my life, thus it’s highly likely that they’d be put aside after the day I received it.