说点更实际的作用,模板往往是有连接词和句型,什么词什么句可以有所选择。比如,你的基础不错,有表达输出能力,那么句型比例可以少一点,主要记段落前后关键位置的句型,否则,写起来反而被约束导致写的更慢;但如果你的基础薄弱,造句困难,而且只能写对简单句,那么模板里多记些从句吧,起码增加你在general linguistic range上的得分,可以用的连接词也都用上,帮助得到更高的development,structure and coherence的分数,甚至vocabulary上也有助于得分。
Obviously, it is undoubtedly the case that schools play a vital role in our society. There are numerous arguments with regard to this phenomenon, and the statement that schools should help youngsters in their later academic life rather than profession. As far as I am concerned, the purpose of schools should also include fostering prospective labors.
First and foremost, the principal objective of schools is toprepare youngsters for prospective academic life. Nobody can deny the simple fact that in present workplace competition is intense and the bachelor degree is often included as requirement. The latest survey from China has revealed thatyoungsters with only high school education struggle for a job or they could only find one inferior in payment or welfare.From my own experience, university is my goal which motivates me to consistently work hard in all subjects.
However, it should also be emphasized that not all students have access to university, which is probably due to the fact that in many places the number of universities is way smaller than the number of schools, which means over half of youngsters will not enter university. The best solution for these youngsters would be to join the labor force instead, and they certainly need to prepare early for this alternative. This actually explains why in schools curricula often include a variety of subjects rather than just academic ones, so that students may discover interest and talent in non-academic fields such as sports or mechanics.
In conclusion, never should we neglect what we have discussed above. Nowadays, more and more students are focusing on work in the future. And I do hope this essay would offer some insights.