苏轼的人生十分坎坷。他三遭流放于蛮荒之地,却始终保持积极乐观的心态,每到一处,都兢兢业业为民服务,还游览名山大川,为后人留下了许多不朽的诗篇。比如“赤壁三绝”和《水调歌头,明明几时有》《题西林壁》等。又比如,《定风波莫听穿林打叶声》 虽然只描写了春日出游遇雨这一小事, 却流传甚广,是苏轼豁达心态的一个缩影。
Unfettered Perspective Against All Odds
Su Shi (苏轼),also known by his style name Zi Zhan and literary pseudonym Dongpo Jushi, was a famous scholar of the Song Dynasty (960-1279). One of the acclaimed Eight Doyens of the Tang and Song Dynasties" in cassical Chinese literature, he was highly accomplished in poetry, prose and painting.
Su Shi led a troubled life, and was exiled three times to savage and uncivilized lands.Not shaken by these ordeals, he, however, made the best of each post he held. He also wrote of his many travels to famed mountains and rivers, leaving a wealth of great works, including "Three Songs about the Red Cliffs," Prelude to Water Melody, The Mid-Autumn Festival and Poem on the Wall of Xilin Temple. Also, To the Tune of Dingfengbo, The Sound of Rain Through Leaves, a simple description of an outing on a rainy spring day, is well known for the reflection of his open mind.
Su Shi's optimistic and open-minded attitude to life guaranteed his steady advancement despite political ups and downs. Expressed in his poetry and essays, which have been passed down through generations of Chinese people, such an attitude has truly inspired us to keep a broad and free mind and to persist in our struggle against all odds.