庄子做梦梦见自己化成蝴蝶悠游自在,达到物我合一的境界。梦醒后,庄子发问: 到底是我梦到了蝴蝶,还是蝴蝶梦到了我? 是梦中的我是现实,还是现实中的我是梦?
Zhuаngzі оnсе drеаmеd а рhiloѕоphісаl drеаm. He dreamed of himself as a butterfly flying around in ecstatic oblivion, integrating himself with the outer world. Upon awakening, he was obsessed with the question:"Have I just dreamed of the butterfly, or has it just dreamed of me? Am I recalling a dream, or am I actually in one?"
Admiring his beautifully introspective theories, people flocked to be his students. But like Laozi, who considered his utterances not worth learning or memorizing, he refused them all.
The ulimate stamp of a philosopher is to bring himself to pactice what he preaches. Zhuangzi, whose lifelong dream was to "soar as free as the gigantic mythical bird," would not waste his time on a pointless official post. Fame and fortune were but ephemeral clouds to him. He spent his life aspiring to acquire true freedom.