屠呦呦在东晋葛洪的《肘后备急方》中见到相应的记载。该书说 “一把青蒿,用两升水浸泡,拧出汁来,喝下去,可治疟疾。”一般中草药的服用方法都是用水煎服,但葛洪却写明青蒿不用水煮,而是浸泡拧出汁来服用。这说明青蒿怕高温,在高温下有效成分就被破坏了,必须低温提取才行。
Tu Youyou found a relevant passage in a medical treatise by Ge Hong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420): “Steep a handful of artimisinin in two liters of water. Extract the juice, and have the patient drink it. This will cure malaria.” Most Chinese medicinal concoctions are to be taken after being boiled in water, but Ge Hong clearly states that the water used to steep artemisinin does not need to be boiled, and the juice is to be taken by the patient. This shows that artimisinin shuns high temperatures, which destroy its effectiveness; it needs a low temperature to work properly.