如果手边有《新托福写作真经6》,请翻到Page 95。
●写作范文 ●
“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is better to work for a business owned by someone else than to work for a business owned by your family. ”
我们以【立场:work for a business owned by someone else】为例,展示这一招“四两拨千斤”:
先讨论对方的劣势:如果work for a business owned by my family,可能会让我感到不适。
If I work for a business owned by my family, the atmosphere of the company may feel strange, making me uncomfortable. This is my case, actually. I declined the offer from my uncle’s company for the consideration that since I may be recognized as the nephew of the company’s owner, other staff may show a defensive attitude and gesture when they work with me. They may exchange ideas behind my back, and although those ideas may not be bad words about the company, they would not involve me in the discussion. Meanwhile, the office may be a stressful place, because there in their eye is a spy or a snitcher, which is me. I do not think that I could feel comfortable working in such an environment as my coworkers would behave with too much discretion in front of me.
This awkward situation would not happen to me in the case that I work at a company that is not my family’s.