2019.09.01 托福综合写作真题
Integrated Writing Task
1. 这样做,有些司机不愿意花钱走这个区域,会绕路,这样更浪费时间,举个例子:送快递的他们要省钱,所以送快递的时间会变长
2. 在收费区里环境会可能会好点,但是周围的车会相对增多,noise and air pollution就会多。所以不是整个city环境会变好
3. 有的人不想支付这个费用,就会去做subway,这样政府就需要花更多的钱去维护subway,但这样收的那点钱根本不够支付维护的费用,所以也不能起到帮助修建桥梁或者修路什么的。
本期考题考察的话题在托福写作中属于中等难度,话题类别比较贴近考生的生活,大部分的词都属于常见词,因此从听力的难度上来说,是属于比较简单的。和这类政府政策相关的话题,在综合写作中也是出现过类似的,比如2018年9月8日的考试,内容是讨论在美国西海岸修建高铁(high-speed rail lines) 是否有益。2017年9月23日考过应不应该在白令海峡上修个桥?
练习上,考生可以选择综合写作DeltaTest2 关于hydropower facility, TOP54关于解决湖水含盐量过高的几种方案等。
The Independent Task
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is much easier nowadays for people to maintain health than in the past.
题目解析:这是一道托福中出现过几次的老题目,在2018年9月21日和2017年8月26日都出现过,这也是托福写作中常见的现象,考生们备考需要留意近三年的真题。托福当中,对这样今昔对比的题目,出现的频率还是很高的,比如会问到:是否现在保护环境比过去保护环境更容易?是否现在的食物比过去的食物更健康?是否现在的人们比过去的人们更加快乐? 本题涉及的是健康相关的,构思来说还是相对比较容易的,如果认为过去更容易维持健康,可以写无污染,而且现在人工作压力大,很难注重健康。相反,认为现在更容易保持健康,可以写医疗条件上升,有更健康的事物等。
The society is witnessing tremendous changes in all aspects, improving the standard of life for majority people. Our health is a main asset that we have in life. Some people believe that it is easier to maintain the health in the past. While, as far as I am concerned, though the modern society is demanding and high-pressured, to keep healthy is much easier than before.
Admittedly, many modern people, especially youngsters, have been suffering from sub-health issues, due to the heavy workload and fierce competition. It is not uncommon that we heard lots complains that they have to work overtime in order to get promotion or make a better living. Consequently, people cannot afford to pay attention to maintain their health. Moreover, owing to the sedentary lifestyle, the health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes tend to be younger. However, thanks to the widely publicity of this trend, more and more people become aware of the importance of keeping fit and start to change their lifestyle.
First and foremost, the advancement of Internet provides opportunity for ordinary people to access the information of proper method. That is to say the detailed and scientific guideline of how to keep healthy can be easily found on the Internet. Moreover, there are so many different cooking shows and health-related applications available online. Take the famous applications “Keep” as an example. The users will be exposed to various fitness program including diverse diet and different intensity exercise. So even the rookie will have no obstacle to choose the appropriate schedule. In addition, many professional trainers and nutritionist also provide online personalized guidance or hold online question-and-answer sessions, allowing ordinary people to have the chance to turn to a positive and healthy living. In contrast, seldom did people, especially lower classes, access to this information and guidance, because the professional training like private trainer or doctor usually cost a lot and people can hardly find effective information through public resource.
In addition, the better health and sanitation system given by the government let people to maintain health in an easy way. Few decades ago, most countries are in the stage of development especially in the aspect of education, medicine and economy. To be specific, most of public resources spent on the construction of infrastructure like road or bridge and development of new technology with relatively small proportion of investment in public health. As a result, once people got ill, only the upper class could afford the medical treatment and most people just cure by using folk prescription or sadly just waiting and dying. However, with the progression of economy and living condition, many countries now established well-rounded welfare system and legislation. Meanwhile, the government spend large amount of money in ensuring the fundamental medical treatment for every citizen like public health insurance. Hence, those measures enable people to stay healthy.
Based on the above discussion, we admit that there are some potential health issues result from the current competitive society and heavy workload. While, it also needs to look forward that not only the innovation of the technology but also the government intervention will ensure people a better life.
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