Which one do you prefer, studying in your own country olstudying abroad? (真经4 P31)
Personally,lprefer to study overseas.And I feel this way for two reasons.
First, the education in many western countries provides studentswith many skills that are useful for jobs and in everyday life. Forexample, students will have developed skills in communication, teamwork and commitment, and also learn to become independent anoresponsible.
Secondly, many graduates with overseas background might havea wider variety of career options to choose. As a result, they mightalso earn more money and be promoted faster.
然而在回答过程当中,我们常常得到同学们的反馈是”因为无法想到能够作为回答的第二点理由,因此影响到自己的流利度和内容。那么在这个时候,我们就可以会用what if的方式,从问题的反面进行回答,
比如下面这道例题:Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Somepeople think that speakers with controversial opinions should not beinvited to speak at the university guest lectures. Others believe thatthe university should feature a variety of speakers, regardless of theiropinions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why, usinodetails and examples in your response.( 2022.12.7 真题)
假如我们选择的态度是feature a variety of speakers,那么我们支持的理由,可以按照之前所讲的,从reason切换到benefit去思考: 邀请了各种名样的讲座教授,并且不在意他们对某些事情的看法,所带来的好处是什么呢?我们可以很快想到能够broaden horizon这个好处,开拓学生们的眼界,给学生们带来了新的一些知识。
除此之外,我们似乎对于其他能说的点会显得比较捉襟见肘,那么当出现这种情况的时候我们应该怎么办呢?一个最简单的方式,我们可以从另外一个选项的缺点来谈,我们谈论了选择A的好处,那么谈论B的坏处,同样也能够成为我们内容的一部分,这样我们的思路就可以切换成:如果我们不邀请那些具有争议性观点的教授来学校做讲座,会有什么样的负面后果呢? OK,很快我们就可以想到,这对同学们的critica thinking不会有利,因为讲座嘉宾的观点都与大众有一致性。 那么我们的破题方式就是:选项的好处加上另外一个选项的坏处,即:
I agree with the idea that the university should invite variousspeakers without considering the opinions they hold.
And I feel this way for 2 reasons
First off, it will bring students more insights into things. To be specific,students will be able to have access to opinions ano thoughts from different people, so they will know more knowledge on both academic and social wise, as a result, it will be helpful to broaden theirhorizons.
However, if the university only invites guest speakers who don'tmake any controversial ideas, then it is likely that the campus woulobe dominated by one single voice, consequently students' ability of critical thinking might be negatively affected.