虽然SAT写作中的阅读素材都是议论性较强的社评类文章(Editorial),但是再客观冷静的文章(只要不是Report),其作者也会为了增强其文章的说服力而刻意地通过各种方式来撩动一下读者的心弦。所以,今天我们以几篇SAT写作原题为例简述一下SAT写作原题中基本每篇文章都能挖掘到的一种Rhetorical Device — Emotional Appeal。
1.亚里士多德早在千年前就为议论作文(辩论及演讲)规定了三大要素:ethos, logos与pathos。
• appeal to authority,诉诸于权威,简言之,权威都这么认为了,你(读者)还不相信我么?
• appeal to logic,诉诸于逻辑,简言之,用强大的逻辑推理让观众信服。就好像列宁同志一样,每当他发表演讲的时候,观众都会为其强大的逻辑而折服,一步一步将观众带入到自己的立场。
• appeal to emotion,诉诸于情感,简言之,用各种手段(比如某一个词,某一句话,数据,类比,范文,排比等)在读者的情绪上掀起波澜,让读者在精神上更愿意跟作者站在一起,甚至是愿意将这种情绪付诸于实际行动。
2 要想分析好pathos,我们必须要明白什么是emotion。在此,我们没有必要给emotion做一个非常学术的心理学定义。按照常识性了解,我们都知道emotion就是可以放在feel后面的那些形容词。
素材1 Notwithstanding the aforementioned reasons why plastic bags are not, in fact, evil incarnate, environmentalists have every right to try to convince people to adopt certain beliefs or lifestyles, but they do not have the right to use government force to compel people to live the way they think best. In a free society, we are able to live our lives as we please, so long as we do not infringe upon the rights of others. That includes the right to make such fundamental decisions as “Paper or plastic?”
《Bag Ban Bad for Freedom and Environment》这篇SAT写作原题原文文章主要是想说塑料购物袋并没有人们想象中的那么可怕,事实上,它对于环境的污染并不大,而且一旦限制了它,不仅会给人们的生活带来不便,而且会产生一些问题。
素材2 Reading is not a timeless, universal capability. Advanced literacy is a specific intellectual skill and social habit that depends on a great many educational, cultural, and economic factors. As more Americans lose this capability, our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent-minded. These are not the qualities that a free, innovative, or productive society can afford to lose.
《Why Literature Matters》这篇SAT写作原题文章的主旨是:人们对于阅读兴趣的下降会对社会造成很大的危害。
当然,作为中国的考生,我们不太能够理解,这究竟激发了什么情绪。但是,我们换位思考一下,如果有一天习大大演讲说,“如果阅读在中国人的生活中继续消失,那么中国一定会再度进入到危难之中”,那么我们会怎么想呢?“忧国忧民”是肯定的了。所以,worry about the country’s future就完全没有悬念的分析出来了。
根据韦氏字典的解释:patriotism的意思是love for or devotion to one’s country。简言之,就是对国家的爱与奉献。
所以,素材2中的worry about the country’s future也自然激发了美国人对国家的热爱,让其意识到国家在危险之中,并且愿意维护为了国家的利益而奉献出自己的阅读精神。
3 今天给大家介绍这三种情绪。下面附上参考段落。
Model Answer 1
What cannot be overlooked is that Summers ends his article with appealing to readers’ emotion. It is universally acknowledged that what makes American people take pride in their ethnic identity is that they are living in a “free society” where they are able to live their lives as they please as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others. The essence of plastic bag ban policy, on the contrary, is evil: environmentalists “use government force to compel people to live the way they think best”, which wreaks havoc on people’s exclusive rights of freedom to choose. By raising the issue to the level of American people’s divine rights, Summers tugs readers’ heartstrings, strategically provoking their dissatisfaction and even irritation toward this policy which has trampled upon their free rights. Filled with indignation, readers would be more likely to side with the author to urge the government not to adopt this policy and to return back their personal rights.
Model Answer 2
Finally, the author utilizes emotional appeal to further corroborate his argument. In the final sentences of the article, by citing “As more Americans lose this capability, our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent-minded.”, he is warning readers that unless more emphasis is placed on reading, the US will no longer be a “free, innovative, or productive society”. The warning extends the significance of reading to the national level, leading readers to realize the substantial negative impact that the decline of reading can have. The author is also appealing to readers’ patriotism here: anyone who is proud of and loves his/her country will not tolerate its degradation. When realizing there is likelihood that America will no longer be a nation they take pride in, readers will see the reasonability of the author’s worry and concern. In using the emotional appeal, the author sways his readers into seeing what he sees and makes an emotional call to action.