各位雅思口语徘徊于4.5-6分的同学们,大家心里一定有一个疑问:为什么我的口语会是这个分数呢?怎样可以提高呢?背过很多词, 为part 2准备了无数模版范文, 但仍然收效甚微。而面对考官一阵炮轰与追问,内心的忐忑就像古罗马诗人贺拉斯收到梅塞纳斯邀请一般:Quid cog it are de be o? Quid debeo respondere? (What should I think? What should I respond?)
其实这个问题的答案就是:你可能没有听懂part 3考官的部分长难题。part 1和part 2的题目大家会提前准备, 但是part 3的题目种类繁多,意外题丛生,这一块准备薄弱的考生会出现听不懂问题,需要考官重复甚至帮助的情况,虽然一些考官善意提醒,但是请大家注意,善意值并不和成绩成正比。所以想要取得高分, part 3的长难题听题审题能力尤为重要。接下来就今年1-4月考题为例, 以小见大, 分析在part 3Do you think…?一类的长难题中考生常出现的问题及原因,并给出相应解决方案。
Do you think...?
Do you think what you learn in university will be helpful for your work in the future?(2020年1-4月考题)
part 3经常出现do you think.?这类考题。考生听到do you think已将其作为重点信息, 而忽视掉后面what you learn才是真正的主语,所以考生听到的是:Do you think university will be helpful for your work in the future?然后开始大肆回答一个好大学对未来求职的帮助和重要性,导致题目答偏。
注意:因为本来就是表达个人观点,所以do you think可作为不重要信息略过,其实问题是:what you learn in university will be helpful for your work in the future?(学校)所学(对工作)有用吗?只有抓住主干即关键信息,才方便同学更好答题。
For sure, I believe what I learn in university will place me in an advantageous position for my work. To begin with, the expertise and tenacity that I have acquired at school will enable me to work more efficaciously and deal with whatever challenges that might come. Moreover, the communication and cooperation skills I have sharpened help me to be a good team player within my team. So I would definitely say that the things I learn at university will help my work in the future.
Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in the city?(2020年1-4月考题)
考生关注点在一出来的offering free public transport处, 而没有完整地抓到solve traffic problems这里, 只是听到了solve problems,漏掉了traffic这个限定, 所以考生脑中思考的是:Do you think offering free public transport will solve problems? 结果表达的立场是否定的,给的原因是免费公共交通不但不能解决问题,还需要如政府需要投入过多资金,而且需要施工修建站台等,很麻烦且影响其他人。
对核心限定词的听取很重要,如果不知道解决“什么问题”这个关键信息,就没有办法对这件事情准确表态了。所以听题中需抓住:free public transport solve traffic problems? 这个关键,那么脑中对这个问题就有一个清晰的把控了:免费公共交通能解决交通问题吗?
Not really. Firstly, Offering free public transport would not largely reduce the number of private cars on roads. Though some people say that the free public transport might be a great choice for those who do not want to drive to work or those commuters who want to save money, the majority of citizens are willing to forgot his advantage in exchange for more space and comfort. Besides, public transport itself can take up space and lanes that could be used for private cars,so based on the two reasons , I would say traffic problems cant be solved by offering free public transport.
读到这里, 是不是发现自己在回答part 3长难问题时也有类似的经历,被do you think干扰, 或者漏掉了问题中关键的主语, 或者限定词呢?希望这次解析能够让大家明白在part 3问题中只要化繁为简,抓住问题中的关键成分就能更轻松的判断题意并作答了。