Some people think leaving their home country provides more opportunities for working or studying,while others think staying in their own country is a better choice. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Introduction : To leave or to stay in our own country, that is a question. From my perspective, the key to this debate to a large extent lies in the domain we work in and the abilities we have fostered.
全球化大话题下的老题。写观点时注意考虑问题的全面性,“出国开销大、更发达"并不是特别合理的观点,以中国为例,去欧洲或非洲或东南亚都是"leave our home country"。相关话题: Nowadays, lots of students choose to pursue higher education abroad. Why do they choose to attend universities overseas?
domain n.领域
Body 1
Leaving the home country does have its edges. For one thing, when living in a country that is advanced in the academic or technological domain a person wishes to pursue, he or she has the chance to receive the education or training of much higher quality than what his or her motherland provides. In this case, they are more likely to polish their knowledge, optimism their techniques, and update the information related to the field, thus gaining an edge over other counterparts in the rat race. For another, some people, especially those who have mastered certain skills, can leave for the country where elites in relevant fields are in dire need. In other words, the more vacancies the foreign country offers, the more opportunities they have. By stark contrast, staying in the mother country may either render them lagging behind in knowledge updating or incur heavier pressure brought by the intense competition.
出国的好处: 1.去往在自己专业领域下比自己国家拥有更前沿技术的国家- +更新知识,使自己更有竞争勃→更多工作学习机会;去往缺少自己领域相关人才的国家- >更多职位空缺/[对比论证]留在本国:要么知识更新慢,要么竞争压力大
motherland n.祖国
polish vt.润色
Optimism vt.优化