pop-up advertising windows=an online advertisement that suddenly springs out弹出式的网络广告
We have plenty of ways to disable pop-up advertising windows,but we cannot really screen TV advertisements out of our lives. 我们有很多办法可以关掉弹出式的网络广告,但是却没办法躲开电视广告。
the advertising slot =an amount of time that is officially allowed for advertising电视上的广告时段
The TV advertising slots for a major sports event may be sold for up to £100 million. 电视转播重要体育赛事时的广告位价值可达1亿英镑。
be intensively advertised=be advertised with a lot of energy or effort得到密集的广告宣传
The new product is being intensively advertised on TV.这款新产品在电视上进行着密集的广告攻势。
advertising campaign=a series of advertisements that try to persuade people to buy a product密集的广告宣传活动
The advertising campaign has boosted sales by 150%.这阵密集的广告攻势使销售额上升了50%。
spoil someone's enjoyment =stop a person from enjoying himself/herself很扫兴
TV advertising interrupts exciting programmes and spoils our enjoyment.电视广告总是把精彩的节目打断,影响我们的兴致。
arouse someone's desire to...让某人产生想去做某事的冲动
TV advertising arouses the viewers’ desire to buy new products.电视广告让观众们产生想去购买新产品的冲动。