a multisensory experience=an experience that involves several bodily senses多感官的体验
Reading is a multisensory experience. It involves the scent of the ink
and the texture of the paper, not to mention the words on the pages.阅读是一种多感官的体验。它包含了书墨的香气,纸张的触感,更不要说包含在文章中的词句了。
soulless=(of media)lacking human influence or qualities无法给人以触动的
The electronic media may be too soulless to replace books. 电子图书难以给到读者那种触动心灵的感觉所以它难以替代传统图书的地位。
literacy=the ability to read and write读写能力
The government is funding an adult literacy programme. 政府在努力扶持一个帮助成人学习读写的项目。
illiterate=unable to read and write不识字的
In this country, nearly half of the population is illiterate. 在这个国家里,有将近一半的人口是文盲。
audio book/talking book=a recording of a voice reading a book有声读物
Many commuters are big users of audio books.每天来回奔波的上班族是有声读物的主要消费群体。
multimedia=using video,sound and other methods of communication多媒体的
Multimedia tools will allow students to leam the material at a greater depth.多媒体工具使得学生们在学习的时候能有更深层的体会。