make a Christmas present list列圣诞礼物清单
What are you doing? I'm trying to make a Christmas present list.你在做什么?我在列圣诞礼物清单。
be difficult to find them all good presents想出适合每个人的好礼物很困难
Already! It's only the 2nd of December. I know, but I've got a large family and it's always difficult to find them all good presents.这么早!现在才12 月2 号。我知道, 但是我有个大家庭,要想出适合每个人的好礼物总是很困难。
elder brothers哥哥
Well,my two elder brothers, my sister, my parents, my two uncles and aunts, my three cousins and our dog, Sam. OK.Let's start with your sister...嗯,我的两个哥哥,我妹,我爸妈,两个伯伯和伯母,三个表兄妹,还有我们的狗,山姆。好,我们从你妹开始...
romantic love stories浪漫的爱情故事
detective stories侦探小说
classical novels经典名作
That's a good idea. What kind of book does she like? Romantic love stories? Detective stories? Classical novels? Well.这是个好主意。她喜欢什么样的书?浪漫的爱情故事?侦探小说?经典名作?唔。
fantasy and suspense奇幻和悬疑的故事
horror books恐怖小说
I think she likes fantasy and suspense. But not horror books.我想她喜欢奇幻和悬疑的故事,但是不要恐怖小说。
perfumed soap香皂
Perfumed soap, shampoo, that sort of thing?香皂、洗发精这一类的东西怎么样?
a bit boring有点老套
No...a bit boring. OK. What about candles?Candles?不要...有点老套。好吧,那蜡烛怎么样?蜡烛?
candles that smell of lavender, pine, roses, strawberries熏衣草、松木、玫瑰、草莓等等香味的蜡烛
Yes, you can buy candles that smell of lavender, pine, roses, strawberries etc and they're not too expensive.对啊,你可以买熏衣草、松木、玫瑰、草莓等等香味的蜡烛,而且价钱又不贵。
get some pine candles for my mum一些松香蜡烛给我妈
OK, I'll get some pine candles for my mum, and maybe I can buy some lavender and strawberry ones for my aunts, too. Now, how about my brothers?好,那我买一些松香蜡烛给我妈,也许还可以买一些熏衣草和草莓味的蜡烛给两个伯母。接下来,我哥哥他们呢?