
雅思Part3: telecommuting远程办公

作者: 2021-09-10 17:43 来源:重庆编辑

雅思口语考试中一共包括三部分,第二部分和第三部分难度会更大一下,无论是哪一部分都要认真对待。今天新航道雅思小编为大家总结了一些雅思Part3: telecommuting远程办公,希望对大家有帮助。

get pay cuts遭减薪

Some remote workers could get pay cuts 部分远程工作者可能会遭减薪。

employees working from home在家工作员工

Some large American companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, are experimenting with cutting pay for employees working from home in less costly areas.谷歌、脸谱网、推特等大型美国公司正就削减成本较低地区在家工作员工的工资进行实验。

set a direction for sb. 为某人设定方向

The experiment at the technology companies could set a direction for other large American employers after the pandemic. 这些科技公司进行的实验可能会在疫情结束后为其他美国大型公司设定方向。

go from working in the office to working from home permanently从在办公室工作转为在家工作

A Google pay calculator, seen by Reuters, shows that Google employees could see changes in their pay if they go from working in the office to working from home permanently. Those whomove farther away from the office could be hit harder. 路透社看到的谷歌薪酬计算器显示,如果谷歌员工从在办公室工作转为在家工作,他们的工资可能会发生变化。住所离办公室更远的员工可能会受到更大的打击。

cut pay for work-from-home削减了远程办公的员工的工资

move to less costly areas搬到成本较低地区

Facebook and Twitter have also cut pay for work-from-home, or remote, employees who move to less costly areas.脸谱网和推特也削减了搬到成本较低地区在家工作或远程办公的员工的工资。

commute from long distances长距离通勤

Google offers employees a pay calculator — a device or program that permits them to see theeffects of a move. But some remote employees, especially those who commute from long distances, could experience pay cuts without changing their address.谷歌为员工提供薪酬计算器,这是可以让员工看到搬家影响的设备或程序。但是,一些远程工作员工,尤其是那些本来就长距离通勤的员工,可能会在不改变地址的情况下遭遇减薪。

pay(s) at the top of the local market based on where an employee works from根据员工的工作地点支付当地市场的高薪酬

A Google spokesperson told Reuters that pay will differ from city to city and state to state, adding that Google "always pay(s) at the top of the local market based on where an employee works from."一名谷歌发言人对路透社表示,不同城市、不同州的薪酬会有所不同,并补充说,谷歌“总是根据员工的工作地点支付当地市场的高薪酬。”

consider remote work 考虑远程工作

decide to keep going to the office决定继续上班

despite the two-hour trip尽管有两个小时的通勤时间

One Google employee, who asked not to be identified for fear of punishment, travels to theSeattle office from a nearby area. The employee was considering remote work but decided to keep going to the office — despite the two-hour trip.一名谷歌员工从附近地区通勤到西雅图办公室,这名员工因担心受到惩罚而不愿透露姓名。这名员工曾考虑远程工作,但最后决定继续上班——尽管有两个小时的通勤时间。

see their pay cut by about 10 percent工资可能会减少约10%

work from home full-time全职在家工作

The employee would likely see their pay cut by about 10 percent by working from home full-time. That is the estimate based on Google's Work Location Tool. 如果全职在家工作,这名员工的工资可能会减少约10%。这是依据谷歌软件“工作地点工具”做出的估计。

as high of a pay cut as I got for my most recent promotion和我最近一次升职时的薪水增长幅度一样高

take a pay cut减薪

"It's as high of a pay cut as I got for my most recent promotion. I didn't do all that hard work to get promoted to then take a pay cut," they said. Promote means to change the position of someone to a higher or more important one.员工表示,“这和我最近一次升职时的薪水增长幅度一样高。我做了那么多艰苦工作来获得晋升,并不是为了减薪。”晋升是指将某人提升到更高或更重要的职位。

researches pay structures研究薪酬结构

worries employees about the effects on their families令员工担心会对家庭造成影响

Jake Rosenfeld of Washington University in St. Louis researches pay structures. Rosenfeld said Google's pay structure worries employees about the effects on their families.圣路易斯华盛顿大学的杰克·罗森菲尔德研究薪酬结构。罗森菲尔德表示,谷歌的薪酬结构令员工担心会对家庭造成影响。

work remotely远程工作

be used to receiving习惯于接受的

"What's clear is that Google doesn't have to do this," Rosenfeld said. "It's not like they can't afford to pay their workers who choose to work remotely the same that they are used to receiving."罗森菲尔德表示,“很明显,谷歌没有必要这样做。他们并不是没有能力向选择远程工作的员工支付他们习惯于接受的工资。”

go from office work to being fully remote in the city where the office islocated从办公室工作转为在办公室所在城市完全远程办公

A Google spokesperson told Reuters that the company will not change an employee's pay based on them going from office work to being fully remote in the city where the office is located. For example, employees working in the New York City office will be paid the same as those working remotely from another New York City location.一名谷歌发言人对路透社表示,公司不会因为员工从办公室工作转为在办公室所在城市完全远程办公而改变他们的工资。例如,在纽约市办公室工作的员工将获得与在纽约市其他地点远程办公的员工相同的薪酬。








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