最近在上班课的时候经常会有同学提到这么一个问题:“Do people like wearing formal clothes?” 我的一个学生甚至告诉我这道题巨难,当他朋友听到考官的提问时,瞬间就吓傻了。
后续我又问了几个学生,发现大家有同样的感受,觉得这道题的观点有点难,能讲出一些内容但做不到具体的细节拓展。除此之外,词汇比较受限尤其有关“formal clothes”这一pa。
既然这么多人对这道题存在着敬畏之心,我觉得很有必要来给大家科普科普相关的内容。在正式解答“Do people like wearing formal clothes?” 这道题之前,我想先来聊一聊两者的差异性。很多part 3问题你只有先看到差异或者优弊,你才能更好的回答其他类型的同种主题的话题。
为了更好的寻找差异性,我的建议是先拆分关键词。不管formal clothes还是casual clothes, 它们都是衣服,而衣服又是物品的一类,所以我们需要先看到分析物品时所涉及的所有维度。接着,我们就可以根据这些角度来寻找可能存在的差异点。
Type/ price/ quality/ quantity/ function/ appearance (size/color/shape/ material/ style/ decoration)/ popularity/ history/ brand/ designer/ spokesperson/ when/ where/ who/ why/ how often/ how long etc.
• Where
Formal clothes和casual clothes的个差异点在于穿着场合。
Formal clothes are usually worn during important events or at our workplaces; Causal are which we wear for everyday use and are relax and comfortable.
• Appearance
Formal clothes和casual clothes的第二个差异点在于外观。
从大小来看,formal clothes来的更为修身但也会让人觉得不舒服;casual clothes相对来的宽松,同时面料上也会更柔软。
Formal clothes tend to be well fitted but this can feel uncomfortable. Casual clothes are baggier 宽松的 and are usually made of softer material.
从风格来看,formal clothes的设计较为单调;casual clothes则更为时尚,能展现人的个性。
Formal clothes can look drab 单调的 and dull while casual clothes allow you to show off your personality.
• Price
Formal clothes和casual clothes的第三个差异点在于价格。
Formal clothes such as suits and dresses can be pricey whereas casual clothes can be quite cheap depending on where you buy them.
• Why
Formal clothes和casual clothes的第三个差异点在于穿着的原因。
Wearing formal clothes gives off a professional look which perhaps casual clothes don't. If you want to make a good impression you should dress in a formal way.
Do people like wearing formal clothes?
Answer :
Well, most people don’t like wearing formal clothes, as they are tight and uncomfortable and people can’t move freely when wearing them.
Formal clothes are usually not very fashionable, and they don't allow people to express their personality. But still a small number of people like to wear formal clothes because they feel like they look professional and this leaves a good impression on their clients.
小tip:针对观点类的问题-“人们是否喜欢…”,我们需要从正反两面结合着来回答。也就是说,不可能所有人都喜欢,也不可能所有人都不喜欢。只是可能绝大多数人喜欢,但也有一小部分人不喜欢。为了答题的全面性,我们需要all in, 两个层面都要涵盖。