
雅思口语实用训练 | 如何打造《一张照片》温暖而不刻意(内附答案)

作者: 2020-09-22 14:04 来源:重庆编辑




鉴于这几天我的课有点多,我就直接从我还没出版的书里摘录出来有关这篇话题的分解,大家可以学习模仿。总之,同类话题,同等思考模式。Here we go !

Describe a picture or photograph of yourself in your home

You should say:

• What is in the picture or photograph

• When it was taken

• Where the picture is in your home

• And explain what it means to you

《照片》这道题看似简单,实则很难。它的难点在于最后一小问“What it means to you”。

有些同学可能没有关注到这个小问题,随便选了一张照片,可到了最后一问就会出现卡壳的情况;有些同学注意到了,在思考照片的时候却又非常刻意的放大了“It means to you”这几个单词。最终,你会发现超过50%的同学都选择了“全家福”、“毕业照”、“旅游照”、“比赛得奖照”等。之所以大家会选择讲同一类型的照片也是因为大家更多思考的是“怎样的照片是有意义的”。












01What is in the picture or photograph



Example one:

A picture I want to talk about is one of myself when I was young.  I am sitting on a blanket and there are lots of trees in the background. I am wearing a white T-shirt with multi-colored vertical stripes 竖条纹 and holding a strawberry flavored lollipop. My eyes are all puffy 肿的 and you can see I had been crying.

Example two:

A picture I want to talk about is of my friend and I, standing in front of our school gate, wearing our school uniforms and we are laughing our heads off 笑到头掉.

Example three:

A picture I want to talk about is of my late grandpa and I. I had so much respect for him and he has such a special place in my heart. He never criticized 批评 me, instead, he was always encouraging.  In the picture, he is wearing a black T-shirt which I bought him and it was also the first gift I ever gave to him. He put it on especially for the photo.


Example one:

A picture I want to talk about is one of myself, standing next to a big Lego castle I made. It was massive, about the same height as me and took me about a month to make.  

Example two:

A picture I want to talk about is one of myself, playing with a transformer. The transformer was a gift from my father who bought it back from a business trip in the USA. It was a limited-edition transformer and it was impossible to buy in China.


Example one:

A picture I want to talk about is of my cousin and I. We are standing at the front gate of Cambridge University. As it is such a popular place, it was packed out 拥挤 when we went there, so you can also see lots of tourists from different countries in the background.

Example two:

A picture I want to talk about is one of myself, wearing my favorite red skirt. It was taken in a park next to my home which was really beautiful. You can even see the red roses, yellow tulips and purple lavenders in the photo.

02When it was taken

这个小问题需要我们回答拍摄的时间,可恰恰我们会遇到这样一个问题:“我忘了它是什么时候拍的。” 的确,如果这是你很小的时候拍摄的照片,你可能完全没有印象,但是如果只是简单的回答不知道似乎内容量上又会减少。这种情况下,我们有一个补救的办法就是你忘了,但有人会不断的提醒你它的拍摄时间。比如:妈妈经常聊天的时候会提及这张照片的拍摄时间;或者爸爸在照片的背后标注了照片拍摄的时间以及原因。

Example one:

I wasn't exactly sure when it was taken as I was very young at the time but last week when I showed the photo to my mum, she told me it was taken when I was 5 years old. She had picked me up from kindergarten and then we went to play in the park, she took the photo just as I was making a funny face.

Example two:

 I had no idea when it was taken, but luckily my dad had jotted down 随笔写下 the date on the back of the photo. It was taken when I was only 5 years old. My family and I were having a picnic in a local park because it was a beautiful sunny day. Apparently, I had asked for a lollipop but my mum had refused, so I cried very loudly. My mum reluctantly gave it to me. My father thought I was very cute, so he captured the moment.


Example one

The photo was taken a week ago. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. After having woken up from a cat nap, I hung out with my friend and then she helped me take the photo.

Example two:

I clearly remember it was taken a year ago. During the Chinese National Holiday, I went to my grandpa’s home. After we finished our lunch, I asked my grandpa to take the photo with me.

03Where the picture is in your home


Example one:

The photo is on my computer and I have set it as my wallpaper, so every time I turn it on, I see the photo immediately.

Example two:

My mum put the photo in a beautiful frame and hung it in the middle of the family photo wall. As the photo is much bigger than the others, it is the first one you notice when you walk in the house.


Example one:

The photo used to be kept in our family album which was full of pictures of me growing up. But last year, I put it in a special frame and placed it right next to my bookshelf, so I could see it all the time.

Example two:

The photo used to be kept on my phone, but last year my mum helped me print it out and put it in a wooden frame. Now it is sitting on the night stand next to my bed.

04What it means to you




Example :

I absolutely love the photo very much because it is the only photo I have with my late grandpa. Since he passed away, I have missed him everyday. When I look at the photo, I feel he is still with me. I share my secrets with him and tell him how my day was. The photo also reminds me of all the fun things we used to do together. The photo is the most precious thing I own.



Example :

I love the photo very much because it was a big day when I was eight. I remember it wasn’t easy making that Lego castle and every time I see the picture, it reminds me how patient and persistent I was. I remember feeling so proud of myself in that photo and now I like to show it to anybody who comes to my house.

05 从地点着手


Example :

I really like the photo because it really motivates me to work hard. Attending Cambridge University has always been my dream since I was young. The first time I heard about it was when I was in primary school. My mum told me it was one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

If I could be a student there, my life would be very promising. I am going to do everything I can to achieve my goal. Every time I see the photo, it reminds me to keep going and never slack off 松懈.



Example one:

I love the photo very much because it shows another side of me. It shows me having a tantrum 耍脾气 and crying my eyes out until I got my own way. It worked when I was 6 but nowadays I know you can't act like that if you want something. If I behaved like that in front of others, they would think I was ridiculous.



• What is in the picture or photograph

A picture I want to talk about is one of myself when I was young.  I am sitting on a blanket and there are lots of trees in the background. I am wearing a white T-shirt with multi-colored vertical stripes and holding a strawberry flavored lollipop. My eyes are all puffy and you can see I had been crying.

• When it was taken

I had no idea when it was taken, but luckily my dad had jotted down the date on the back of the photo. It was taken when I was only 5 years old. My family and I were having a picnic in a local park because it was a beautiful sunny day.

Apparently, I had asked for a lollipop but my mum had refused, so I cried very loudly. My mum reluctantly gave it to me. My father thought I was very cute, so he captured the moment.

• Where the picture is in your home

The photo used to be kept in our family album which was full of pictures of me growing up. But last year, I put it in a special frame and placed it right next to my bookshelf, so I could see it all the time.

• What it means to you

I love the photo very much because it shows another side of me. It shows me having a tantrum and crying my eyes out until I got my own way. It worked when I was 6 but nowadays I know you can't act like that if you want something. If I behaved like that in front of others, they would think I was ridiculous.














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