fertility and rebirth 生育和重生
The image of a snake meant fertility and rebirth for some native American groups, as well as people living in ancient Greece and Egypt.
serpent /ˈsɜːpənt/ 大蛇
A serpent was an important god for ancient Mayans.蛇对古代玛雅人来说是一个重要的神。
run into a snake 遇到蛇
Encyclopedia Britannica notes that in Baltic traditions, running into a snake was considered good luck. And it was bad luck if you killed one.《大英百科全书》指出,在波罗的海的传统中,人们认为遇到蛇是好运。相应的杀死一条蛇预示着坏运气。
eat forbidden fruit 偷食禁果
However, in some religious traditions, a serpent tempted Eve -- the world's first woman -- to disobey God by eating forbidden fruit.
be important in many cultures 在很多文化中意义重大
This got her and Adam -- the world's first man -- expelled from the Garden of Eden.So, snakes were important in many cultures.这使得她和世界上个男人--亚当,被驱逐出伊甸园。因此,蛇在很多文化中意义重大。
represent creation 蛇代表创造
Sometimes they represented creation.有时候,蛇代表创造。
acts like a friend to your face but then does something terrible behind your back 表面上把你当朋友,背地里却给你狠狠下套
In the English language, snakes have a bad reputation.A person described as a "snake" is a liar.He or she acts like a friend to your face but then does something terrible behind your back.在英语里,蛇有个坏名头。被叫做"蛇"的人,意思是说他是骗子。这个人表面上把你当朋友,背地里却给你狠狠下套。
end up biting you in the end 最后他反咬你一口
A snake is someone you thought you could trust, but they end up biting you in the end.这样的人你本以为他信得过,结果最后他反咬你一口。
a snake in the grass 伪装成朋友的阴险小人
People who act like your friend, but who want to hurt you instead, are a hidden danger - just like a snake in the grass.
avoid human contact 避免接触人
Although snakes have a bad reputation, in nature they really want to avoid human contact.虽然蛇的名声不好,但在自然界中,它们确实也不是自己想碰上人的。